Finding Transactions


You can sort the grid by the data in a particular column by clicking on that column's heading. This sorts text data alphabetically and numerical data in ascending order. To reverse the sort order, click the column heading a second time.


To search for a transaction, enter a significant part of its header or line item details into the appropriate Search field in the header. If the criteria matches one or more transaction lines, they are displayed in the associated grid.

To redisplay all retrieved transactions after a search, clear the search criteria. The icon (or Esc key) quickly clears the search criteria field.

The scope of the search is limited to fields on the transaction and transaction line item objects of the following types: text, number, date, formula and lookup.

Note: By default, the limit for the number of transactions that can be displayed in the grid at a time is 10000. This limit may vary depending on the number of fields added to the Matching Cash field set. Use the Search field to narrow the scope of transactions displayed if you reach this limit.
For more information on editing field sets, see Editing Field Sets.