Billing Schedule Fields

Billing schedules enable you to automatically generate billing documents from contracts. Here is a description of the fields on the Billing Schedule object.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only.

Field Name



Billing Contract  

Lookup to the related contract. This field is populated automatically when you generate billing schedules for a contract.

Note: Do not manually edit this field because doing so can impact your org's billing process.

Billing Date *

Date on which a billing document is due to be created for this billing schedule.

Billing Document Line Item


Lookup to the billing document line item generated from this billing schedule.

If the Complete Billing Document Deleted checkbox is selected, this lookup is cleared because the related billing document has been deleted as a result of archiving.

Complete Billing Document Deleted R Indicates that the completed billing document related to this billing schedule has been deleted after having been archived. This checkbox can only be selected by the archiving process. It prevents the billing schedule from being rebilled.
Contract   Contract to which the billing schedule belongs. This enables the billing schedules to be grouped by contract.

Contract Line Item


Lookup to the contract line item that is to be processed.

Contract Status


Status of the contract to which this billing schedule belongs.

Contract Type R Type of contract to which this billing schedule belongs.

End of Period


Last day of the billing period for this billing schedule.

Ends Later Than Contract Line R For internal use only. This checkbox is selected when the billing period end date falls after the contract line item's end date, or when the contract line item is canceled.
Final Schedule R

Indicates whether this is the last billing schedule for the contract line item. This checkbox is selected if:

  • The Billing Period End Date is equal to or later than the end date of the related contract line item to which it belongs.
  • The related contract line item has the billing type one-off.
Month   Formula field, used in the default Billing Central reports, which calculates the month of the Billing Period Start Date.

Start of Period


First day of the billing period for this billing schedule.

Unique Id   A system-generated value that is updated every time the billing schedule is updated. It stores a combination of contract line item, start date, end date and billing date to enforce uniqueness.

Value of the billing schedule. This value is the sales price copied from the related contract line item, except when the contract line item has the "Recurring Fixed" billing type and proration applies. See Proration Policies for more information.


If you change the contract line item related to this billing schedule, this value does not update to reflect the changes. Likewise changing this value has no effect on the related contract line item.

If you change a contract line item, we recommend that you delete the billing schedules that have not yet been billed and regenerate them.

Year   Formula field used in the default Billing Central reports, which calculates the year of the Billing Period Start Date.