Billing Schedules

Billing Central generates billing schedules automatically when you activate a contract or change request.

Each billing schedule represents one billing period for a contract line item. For instance, if the Billing Term of a recurring contract line item is month and the contract line item spans a whole year, 12 billing schedules are generated.

You can generate additional billing schedules for an individual contract or contract line item by using the Create Billing Schedules or Generate Billing Schedules button on the record's detail page.


If you change a contract line item, we recommend that you delete any billing schedules that have not yet been billed and regenerate them.

Billing Schedules for One-Off Contract Line Items

One billing schedule is generated for a one-off contract line item. The duration of the billing schedule depends on whether the one-off line has an End Date or Billing Term:

  • If the one-off line has both a Start Date and an End Date, the billing schedule spans the line's duration regardless of whether or not the line has a Billing Term.
  • If the one-off line has no End Date but has a Billing Term, the billing schedule spans the line's first billing period.
  • If the one-off line has no End Date and no Billing Term, the billing schedule starts and ends on the line's Start Date.