Consolidated Invoicing

ERP Cloud

Billing Central enables you to consolidate multiple billing documents into a single document. For example, you might have an opportunity that results in invoices being generated from PSA, Order and Inventory Management, a third-party application, and Billing Central. Instead of sending the customer invoices from four separate applications, you might want to consolidate the customer’s four invoices into one. This means that the customer receives and responds to one invoice, rather than four.

Specifically, the Consolidated Invoicing feature allows you to:

  • Take two or more draft billing documents and convert them to a single consolidated billing document.
  • Add billing documents to an existing consolidated billing document.
  • Undo the consolidation of a billing document, so that the original billing documents are reinstated.

Before you can use the Consolidated Invoicing feature, your administrator must enable the Billing Document Consolidation feature in Feature Console. For more information, see Setting up Billing Document Consolidation.


You cannot consolidate "Invoice" and "Credit Note" billing documents together. You can only consolidate billing documents that are the same document type.