Consolidation Rule

ERP Cloud

What is a Consolidation Rule?

Consolidation rules enable you to define how you want to consolidate billing documents in your org. A consolidation rule includes:

  • A record filter to retrieve draft billing documents that match a specific set of criteria.
  • A grouping method that defines how the billing documents are grouped together for consolidation.

Depending on how your org is set up, a default consolidation rule named Account might be available. This consolidation rule first retrieves draft billing documents. Billing documents with the same account, company, currency, and document type are then grouped together and consolidated into a single draft billing document.

If you use the engagement functionality, a consolidation rule named Engagement might be available in your org. This consolidation rule also retrieves draft billing documents. Billing documents with the same engagementClosed, account, company, currency, and document type are then grouped together and consolidated into a single draft billing document. For more information about engagements, see Engagements.