Creating Cash Entries

ERP Cloud

Once cash receipts have imported successfully, you can create their cash entry documents for matching against sales invoices, sales credit notes, and billing documents. When running the cash entry process, Lockbox creates the cash entry documents and posts them to Accounting which in turn results in transaction records being generated in Accounting.

To create the cash entries for an AR cash transaction:

  1. Navigate to the detail page for the AR cash transaction that you want to work on. In the AR Cash Transaction Line Items section, the status of all the lines should be "Imported".
  2. Click Create Cash Entry.
  3. Choose how you want the cash entries to be created:

    • LBX Only. Create cash entries only for AR cash transaction line items where Type=LBX.
    • All Transactions. Create cash entries for all AR cash transaction line items, regardless of Type.
    • Group By Type. Create cash entries for all AR cash transaction line items, grouped by type. For example, if your imported cash receipts use a mixture of LBX and WIRE types, one cash entry document will be created for all the LBX transaction line items, and another will be created for all the WIRE transaction line items.
  4. Click Create Cash Entry to proceed.

Cash entry creation runs as a batch process. A progress bar on the AR Cash Transaction Detail page shows the progress of the batch Apex job. When the job completes successfully, the Progress Info bar displays Completed 100%. You will also be notified by email, Chatter post or by a Salesforce task depending upon which notification methods have been enabled by the System Administrator. The status of the AR cash transaction line items changes to "Complete" once cash entries have been created, and a link is provided to the cash entry document itself.

The number of cash entry documents and lines that are created depends upon your grouping options. See Grouping Example for more information. Separate cash entry documents are always created for SIN, SCN transaction line items, and Billing Documents (BD). The type of the cash entry created depends on the type of the document imported:

  • Cash entries of the type "Receipt" are created for Sales Invoices and Billing Documents with a positive value.
  • Cash entries of the type "Refund" are created for Sales Credit Notes and Billing Documents with a negative value.

Once cash entries have been created, you cannot delete the corresponding AR cash transactions.

You can specify the maximum number of lines permitted on a cash entry document by editing the Lockbox Settings custom setting, 'Maximum Lines on a Cash Entry'.

If you are using billing documents, the maximum number of lines supported is five lines per batch. Ensure the "Cash Entry Batch Size" custom setting is set to five to prevent failures in the process.

Using the LBX Only option

When you create cash entries for LBX Only, any AR cash transaction line items of other types will not be processed and will remain at the status "Imported". The status on the AR cash transaction header will then be "Part Complete". (If there are no LBX lines eligible for cash entry creation, the header status will remain as "Imported".) To create cash entries for the remaining lines you should re-run the Create Cash Entry process and choose All Transactions; only transaction line items not at the status "Complete" will be processed.

When an AR cash transaction header has the status "Part Complete", you can proceed to the cash matching stage for the lines that are "Complete". When some lines on the AR cash transaction have the status "Matched" but other lines are still "Imported", the status on the header will be "Part Matched".

Dealing with Cash Entry Creation Errors

After running the cash entry creation process, if one or more lines have the status of "Cash Entry Error" you should check the Cash Entry/Matching Errors Log to see what caused the errors. A cash entry error will occur, for example, if there is no AR control account specified on the customer's account record, or if the year/period of the deposit date is not an open period. Once you have fixed the problem, run the cash entry creation process again.


If a cash entry document is created for multiple lines with different customer accounts, and one or more of those customer accounts does not have an AR control account, all the lines in the cash entry will be given the status "Cash Entry Error". In this situation you might want to run a report on the AR Cash Transaction to get a list of the accounts without an AR control account, then you will be able to identify which accounts need updating.