Grouping Example

ERP Cloud

The number of cash entry documents and lines that are created when you process an AR cash transaction depends upon:

  • Your grouping options
  • The document types. Separate cash entry documents are always created for SIN and SCN documents.
  • The 'Maximum Lines in a Group' and 'Maximum Lines on a Cash Entry' custom settings.

This example illustrates the effect that grouping can have on the number of cash entry documents and lines that are created. You can group at line level by enabling grouping on particular fields in the bank lockbox import definition. And you can group at header level when you start the cash entry creation process by choosing LBX Only, Group by Type or All Transactions.

Let's assume that your AR cash transaction contains the following lines which have all imported successfully:

Line Number Type Document number Account Document Value
1 LBX SIN000001 ABC Holdings 100.00
2 LBX SIN000002 ABC Holdings 200.00
3 LBX SIN000003 XYZ Incorporated 300.00
4 LBX SCN000001 ABC Holdings -50.00
5 WIRE SIN000004 ABC Holdings 400.00
6 WIRE SIN000005 XYZ Incorporated 500.00

The sections below illustrate the cash entry documents and lines that will be created when using different grouping options. Notice that a separate cash entry document is always created for the sales credit note (SCN000001).