Cash Matching

ERP Cloud

Lockbox can cash match using document information or a specific field on sales invoices, credit notes, or billing documents.

Cash Matching Using Document Information

Lockbox can cash match based on the document matching mode selected for the bank lockbox as follows:

Matching Mode Description
Document Document reference numbers must be supplied when using this matching mode.
Document date - oldest/newest first Cash entries are matched to outstanding sales documents starting with the oldest, or the newest, document first.
Document number - oldest/newest first Cash entries are matched to outstanding sales documents starting with the document that has the oldest (lowest), or the newest (highest), document number first.
Document outstanding value - highest/lowest first Cash entries are matched to outstanding sales documents starting with the document that has the highest, or the lowest, outstanding value first.

Cash Matching Using Object Fields

Lockbox can cash match based on an Opportunity, Customer Order Number, concatenated invoice number, or any field of the type "Text" or "Lookup" by using a value entered in the Document Resolution Field (CRN), the Document Resolution Field (SIN), or the Document Resolution Field (BD). For more information, see Bank Lockbox Fields

Matching Cash

To automatically cash match cash to sales invoices and sales credit notes:

  1. On the detail page of the AR cash transaction that you want to work on, in the AR Cash Transaction Line Items section, note which lines have the status "Complete" because only lines with this status will be matched.
  2. Click Match.

Cash matching runs as a batch process. A progress bar on the AR Cash Transaction Detail page shows the progress of the batch Apex job. When the job completes successfully, the Progress Info bar displays Completed 100%. You will also be notified by email, Chatter post or by a Salesforce task depending upon which notification methods have been enabled by the System Administrator. The status of the AR cash transaction line items changes to "Matched" once cash entries have been matched successfully.

When all the AR cash transaction line items are "Matched", the status on the AR cash transaction header will also be "Matched". If some lines are not "Matched", the header status will be "Part Matched".

  • When matching on account (i.e. document reference numbers are not supplied) there is no link from the AR cash transaction line item to the sales document it was matched to. To see which sales documents have been matched, go to the account record and view the payment status of its related sales invoices and sales credit notes.
  • Matching currency is determined by the Currency Mode custom setting. It defaults to 'Account' currency but can be set to 'Document' currency when the bank lockbox currency is used instead.

Part Payments and Over Payments

If a cash entry is matched to a sales invoice of greater value (i.e. the cash entry is a part payment), the status of the AR cash transaction line item will be "Matched" whilst the payment status of the sales invoice will be "Part Paid". Further cash entries will need to be matched to the sales invoice until it is fully paid.

If a cash entry is matched to a sales invoice of lower value (i.e. the cash entry is an over payment), the status of the AR cash transaction line item will be "Part Matched" whilst the payment status of the sales invoice will be "Paid". To match the remaining cash amount, re-run cash matching for the AR cash transaction when another sales invoice becomes available for payment.

Handling Write-offs and Discounts

When a match involves write-off or discount values, a transaction of type Cash Matching Journal is posted by the matching process, with separate lines for the discount and write-off values. The line description indicates whether the value is a discount or write-off, and identifies the sales invoice that the value relates to. The values are posted to the Discount GLA and Write-off GLA specified on the lockbox definition. (If discount and write-off GLAs are not specified on the lockbox definition, the values are posted to the GLAs for AR discounts and write-offs specified on the company record.)

Dealing with Cash Matching Errors

After running the cash matching process, if one or more lines have the status of "Cash Matching Error" you should check the Cash Entry/Matching Errors Log to see what caused the errors. Once you have fixed the problem, run the cash matching process again.