Bank Lockbox Fields

ERP Cloud

Here is a description of the fields that make up a bank lockbox.

Field Description
Account Resolution Field This is an alternative field for identifying records during the import process. You can use it to resolve issues with duplicate customer account names.
If the field is blank, Lockbox will identify the customer account in the usual way.
If this field contains a field API name, Lockbox will use it to determine a unique record ID for the customer account.
Bank Account The bank account that this lockbox is being used with.
Bank Charges GLA The GLA that bank charges will be posted to. If left blank, you will not be able to import cash receipts with bank charges.
Bank Lockbox Number A system-generated number to identify the lockbox.
Cash Entry Process An optional custom cash entry process to be used instead of Lockbox's standard cash entry routine.
Cash Matching Process An optional custom cash matching process to be used instead of Lockbox's standard cash matching routine.
Currency The currency of transactions imported using this lockbox. If the Currency Mode custom setting is set to 'Document' this currency is used as the matching currency.
Currency Write-off GLA The GLA that currency write-offs will be posted to. If left blank, currency write-offs will be posted to the GLA for AR currency write-offs specified on the company record.
Description A descriptive name for the lockbox.
Discount GLA The GLA that discounts will be posted to. If left blank, discounts will be posted to the GLA for AR settlement discounts specified on the company record.
Document Resolution Field (CRN) This is an alternative field for specifying which field to use when cash matching. For example, you can use it to cash match based on Opportunity, Customer Order Number, a concatenated invoice number, or a any field of the type "Text" or "Lookup".
If this field is blank, Lockbox will identify the document in the usual way.
If this field contains the API name of a field on a credit note, Lockbox will use it to match the cash.
Document Resolution Field (SIN) This is an alternative field for specifying which field to use when cash matching. For example, you can use it to cash match based on Opportunity, Customer Order Number, a concatenated invoice number, or any field of the type "Text" or "Lookup".
If this field is blank, Lockbox will identify the document in the usual way.
If this field contains the API name of a field on a sales invoice, Lockbox will use it to cash match.
Document Resolution Field (BD)

This is an alternative field for specifying which field to use when cash matching. For example, you can use it to cash match based on Opportunity, Customer Order Number, a concatenated invoice number, or any field of the type "Text" or "Lookup".

If this field is blank, Lockbox will identify the document the usual way.

If this field contains the API name of a field on a billing document, Lockbox will use it to cash match.

Import Process An optional custom import process to be used instead of Lockbox's standard import routine.
Matching Mode Document Cash entries are always matched to the document reference number provided in the CSV file. When this option is chosen, Document Reference is a mandatory field in the Bank Lockbox Import Mappings list, and the import will fail if the sales documents do not exist in your Accounting company. The document reference numbers must also must be mapped to the Document Reference field on the AR cash transaction line item.
NOTE: When you choose any of the following matching modes, account references must be supplied in your CSV file, and must be mapped to the Account reference field on the AR cash transaction line item. Account references are typically account names and should be unique. Document reference numbers are optional in this scenario.
Document Date - Oldest First Cash entries are matched to outstanding sales documents starting with the oldest document first.
Document Date - Newest First Cash entries are matched to outstanding sales documents starting with the newest document first.
Document Number - Oldest First Cash entries are matched to outstanding sales documents starting with the document that has the oldest (lowest) document number.
Document Number - Newest First Cash entries are matched to outstanding sales documents starting with the document that has the newest (highest) document number.
Document Outstanding Value - Highest First Cash entries are matched to outstanding sales documents, starting with the document that has the highest outstanding value.
Document Outstanding Value - Lowest First Cash entries are matched to outstanding sales documents, starting with the document that has the lowest outstanding value.
Number/Wire Transfer A number that appears in each record in the CSV file, linking the records to the lockbox. This number must be unique per lockbox.
Write-off GLA The GLA that write-offs will be posted to. If left blank, write-offs will be posted to the GLA for AR write-offs specified on the company record.

Bank Lockbox Import Definition

Field Description
Bank Lockbox The bank lockbox number.
Date Format The date format used in the CSV file.
Decimal Separator The character used to separate decimals in monetary values.
File Delimiter The character used to separate fields in the CSV file.
Name A system-generated reference to identify the lockbox import definition.
Start Row The row number in the CSV file to start the import from.
Thousands Separator The character used to separate thousands in monetary values.
Zero Based Positions Select this checkbox to have mapped column numbers start from zero; leave it unset to have mapped column numbers start from 1.

Bank Lockbox Import Mapping

Field Description
Bank Lockbox Import Definition Reference identifying the bank lockbox import definition.
Bank Lockbox Import Mapping Number A system-generated reference to identify the import mapping record.
Cash Entry Line Grouping Select this checkbox if you want to group the records in the CSV file by this field during the cash entry creation process. For example, if you select this checkbox for the Remitter field, the cash entry creation process will group transaction line items for the same remitter into one cash entry line.
Column Start Position The column number of this field in the CSV file.
Field API Name The API Name for the field on the AR Cash Transaction Line Item object.
Field Name A descriptive name for the field being mapped.