Copying OIM Direct for Avalara Settings to Tax Calculation Settings

The Tax Calculations Settings tab in Foundations provides all the relevant settings for the core connector. While migrating from Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara to the core connector, you must manually copy the values from the OIM Direct for Avalara Settings page to the Tax Calculation Settings page. The table below describes how the fields from OIM Direct for Avalara Settings map to the fields on Tax Calculation Settings.

For more information about the Tax Calculation Settings page, see Tax Calculation Settings.

For more information about the settings specific to Order and Inventory Management, see OIM Tax Calculation Settings Fields.

Mappings Between OIM Direct for Avalara Settings and Tax Calculation Settings
OIM Direct for Avalara Settings Field Tax Calculation Settings Notes
Section Field
Account # Integration Settings Account Number  
License Key License Key  
Service URL Connection URL  
Company Code Order and Inventory Management Settings Company Code  
AvaTax Timeout(ms) N/A N/A This setting is not available in the core connector.
Disable Address Validation N/A N/A This setting is not available in the core connector. You can use the Address Validation Country Code Filter to specify the countries for which address validation is enabled.
Disable Tax Calculation Integration Settings Enable External Tax Calculation Tax calculation is disabled when the new setting is deselected.
Enable Automatic Tax Calculation - Quote Customer Quotation Automatic Tax Calculation The equivalent option is "When Printing the Customer Quotation".
Enable Automatic Tax Calculation - Sales Order Sales Order Automatic Tax Calculation The equivalent option is "When Approving the Sales Order".
Enable Automatic Tax Calculation - Invoice Invoice Automatic Tax Calculation The equivalent option is "When Completing the Shipment Related to the Invoice".
Enable Automatic Tax Calculation - Voucher AP Voucher Automatic Tax Calculation The equivalent option is "When Matching the AP Voucher".
Tax Code - Freight Invoice Tax Code for Freight Invoice Lines  
Tax Code - Miscellaneous Tax Code for Miscellaneous Invoice Lines  
Return validated address in Upper case N/A N/A This setting is not available in the core connector.
VAT ID Field N/A N/A This setting is not available in the core connector. Review the mappings for each object to learn more about which value is sent to Avalara AvaTax as the Customer VAT Number value.
Enable Logging N/A N/A This setting is not available in the core connector.

In addition, you can edit and validate your org address by clicking Validate Org Address in the Order and Inventory Management Settings section.