Disabling the Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara

If you are not ready to fully migrate from Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara to the Core connector, you can choose to migrate specific features. You can do this by selecting the relevant checkbox on the OIM Direct for Avalara Settings page.

The following settings are available:

  • Use Core Connector for Address Validation
  • Use Core Connector for Customer Quotations
  • Use Core Connector for Sales Orders
  • Use Core Connector for Invoices
  • Use Core Connector for Credit Invoices
  • Use Core Connector for Purchase Orders
  • Use Core Connector for AP Vouchers
  • Use Core Connector for AP Voucher Credits

After you select one of the checkboxes, the relevant Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara buttons will no longer work. For example, if you select Use Core Connector for Invoices, the Calculate Tax, Post Tax, Commit Tax, and Cancel Tax buttons included in the Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara package no longer work. If you click any of the buttons, an error message displays.

You must then remove the buttons from any page layouts and add the equivalent Lightning actions included in Order and Inventory Management Core and Foundations. The table below lists the Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara buttons and their Order and Inventory Management and Foundations equivalents.

You can add the new Lightning actions using the Feature Console. For more information, see Enabling the Tax Calculation Using Avalara Feature.

Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara Buttons and the Equivalent Lightning Actions in Core
Object Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara Button API Name Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara Button Label Core Connector Action Label Core Connector Action API Name
Account Validate Addresses SCMAVA__Validate_Addresses Validate Billing Address fferpcore__ValidateBillingAddress
Validate Shipping Address fferpcore__ValidateShippingAddress
Address Validate SCMAVA__Validate Validate Address SCMC__ValidateAddress
AP Voucher Calculate Tax SCMAVA__Calculate_Tax Calculate Tax SCMC__Calculate_Tax
Cancel Tax SCMAVA__Cancel_Tax Cancel Tax SCMC__Cancel_Tax
Commit Tax SCMAVA__Commit_Tax Commit Tax SCMC__Commit_Tax
Post Tax SCMAVA__Post_Tax Post Tax SCMC__Post_Tax
AP Voucher Credit Calculate Tax SCMAVA__Calculate_Tax Calculate Tax SCMC__Calculate_Tax
Cancel Tax SCMAVA__Cancel_Tax Cancel Tax SCMC__Cancel_Tax
Commit Tax SCMAVA__Commit_Tax Commit Tax SCMC__Commit_Tax
Post Tax SCMAVA__Post_Tax Post Tax SCMC__Post_Tax
Credit Invoice Calculate Tax SCMAVA__Calculate_Tax Calculate Tax SCMC__Calculate_Tax
Cancel Tax SCMAVA__Cancel_Tax Cancel Tax SCMC__Cancel_Tax
Commit Tax SCMAVA__Commit_Tax Commit Tax SCMC__Commit_Tax
Post Tax SCMAVA__Post_Tax Post Tax SCMC__Post_Tax
Customer Address Validate SCMAVA__Validate Validate Address SCMC__ValidateAddress
Customer Quotation Calculate Tax SCMAVA__Calculate_Tax Calculate Tax SCMC__Calculate_Tax
Print SCMAVA__Print Print SCMC__Print
Validate Prospect Address SCMAVA__Validate_Prospect_Address Validate Prospect Address SCMC__ValidateProspectAddress
Customer Quotation Line Validate Address SCMAVA__Validate_Address Validate Shipping Address SCMC__ValidateShippingAddress
Invoicing Calculate Tax SCMAVA__Calculate_Tax Calculate Tax SCMC__Calculate_Tax
Cancel Tax SCMAVA__Cancel_Tax Cancel Tax SCMC__Cancel_Tax
Commit Tax SCMAVA__Commit_Tax Commit Tax SCMC__Commit_Tax
Post Tax SCMAVA__Post_Tax Post Tax SCMC__Post_Tax
Purchase Order Calculate Tax SCMAVA__Calculate_Tax Calculate Tax SCMC__Calculate_Tax
Validate Drop Ship Address SCMAVA__Validate_Drop_Ship_Address Validate Drop Ship Address SCMC__ValidateDropShipAddress
Sales Order Calculate Tax SCMAVA__Calculate_Tax Calculate Tax SCMC__Calculate_Tax
Validate Drop Ship Address SCMAVA__Validate_Drop_Ship_Address Validate Drop Ship Address SCMC__ValidateDropShipAddress
Supplier Site Validate Mailing Address SCMAVA__Validate_Mailing_Address Validate Mailing Address SCMC__ValidateMailingAddress