Managing Cycle Counts

ERP Cloud

A cycle countClosed is essentially an audit to confirm that items exist in the warehouse as described in the inventory. Discrepancies can then be recorded and costs associated with those discrepancies can be identified.

A cycle count represents a batch of item locations where the item units are to be counted. For any one specific cycle count, there might be one or multiple locations to be counted. Each of these locations is represented by a cycle count detail. This means there can be multiple cycle count details within a cycle count.

Initiating a Cycle Count

To initiate a cycle count for an item:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Click Available Inventory on the item master of the item to be counted.
    • Search for the item on the Inventory tab.
  2. Select the checkbox of the inventory that you want to initiate the cycle count for.
  3. Click Cycle Count.

Carrying Out a Cycle Count

You can perform cycle counts from the Cycle Count tab of Action Queues. When carrying out a cycle count, you must first provide the number of items found at the locations on the cycle count details and then confirm the results obtained.

To carry out a cycle count:

  1. Click the Cycle Count tab. This tab belongs to the Action Queues app. You can search for it using the App Launcher.
  2. Work through the steps described below.

Step 1: Use the Cycle Count Subtab to Enter Item Counts

Initiated cycle counts and their details display in the Cycle Count subtab.

To enter item counts for your cycle count details:

  1. Click the Cycle Count subtab.
  2. In the Count column, enter the number of item units found at each location for the cycle count details that you are counting.
  3. Click Save.
Note: You can only enter counts for cycle counts details that have a status of New. Keep in mind that cycle counts can be moved back to this tab from the Confirm Cycle Count subtab as a result of a recount request for one or more of its cycle count details. Any cycle count detail selected for recounting displays a status of New and can be edited. Cycle count details not selected for recounting display a status of Complete and cannot be edited. For more information about how to request a recount for a cycle count detail, see Recounting Cycle Count Details.
  • Use the search box above the grid to refine the displayed content and help you find the information you are looking for. You can search the content of any of the displayed columns. For example, you can search by item or location. You can also right-click a column header to show a menu with options to sort and hide columns, and use drag-and-drop to reorder columns and rows.
  • To discard unsaved changes, click Cancel.
  • To collapse the details of a cycle count, click Collapse on the cycle count. To expand them again, click Expand.

Once you have entered and saved a count value for all the details on a cycle count, the cycle count is considered to be complete and it is moved to the Confirm Cycle Count subtab. In this tab you must confirm the cycle counts that have been completed.

Printing Cycle Counts From the Cycle Count Subtab

The Cycle Count subtab enables you to generate print previews of your initiated cycle counts . You can print these print previews using your browser's print option.

To print a cycle count:

  1. Select the cycle count that you want to print.
  2. Click Print. A print preview of the cycle count opens.
  3. Use your browser's print option to print the cycle count.
Note: Ensure you have selected only one cycle count before clicking Print. You can only print one cycle count at a time including all its cycle count details.

To help you keep track of your printed cycle counts, the Printed column shows a check mark after you click Print and the print preview opens. Note that the check mark shows once the print preview opens, whether you print the preview from your browser or not is not controlled by the column.

Step 2: Use the Confirm Cycle Count Subtab to Confirm Cycle Count Results

Complete cycle counts and their details display in the Confirm Cycle Count subtab.

To confirm the results of your complete cycle counts:

  1. Click the Confirm Cycle Count subtab.
  2. Select the cycle count that you want to confirm.
  3. Click Confirm. A confirmation message displays.
  4. Click Confirm.
Note: Ensure you have selected only one cycle count before clicking Confirm. You can only confirm one cycle count at a time including all its cycle count details. It is not possible to confirm multiple cycle counts at once, a single cycle count detail, or multiple cycle count details from different cycle counts.
  • Use the search box above the grid to refine the displayed content and help you find the information you are looking for. You can search the content of any of the displayed columns. For example, you can search by item or location. You can also right-click a column header to show a menu with options to sort and hide columns, and use drag-and-drop to reorder columns and rows.
  • To show only the cycle counts that you have selected, click Show Selected. To show all cycle counts again, click Back to Results.
  • To collapse the details of a cycle count, click Collapse on the cycle count. To expand them again, click Expand.

Printing Cycle Counts From the Confirm Cycle Count Subtab

The Confirm Cycle Count subtab enables you to generate print previews of your complete cycle counts. You can print these print previews using your browser's print option.

To print a cycle count:

  1. Select the cycle count that you want to print.
  2. Click Print. A print preview of the cycle count opens.
  3. Use your browser's print option to print the cycle count.
Note: Ensure you have selected only one cycle count before clicking Print. You can only print one cycle count at a time including all its cycle count details. It is not possible to print multiple cycle counts at once, a single cycle count detail, or multiple cycle count details from different cycle counts.

To help you keep track of your printed cycle counts, the Printed column shows a check mark after you click Print and the print preview opens. Note that the check mark shows once the print preview opens, whether you print the preview from your browser or not is not controlled by the column.

Recounting Cycle Count Details

The Confirm Cycle Count subtab also enables you to request a recount for any of the results obtained on your cycle count details.

To recount cycle count details:

  1. Select the cycle counts details that you want to recount.
  2. Click Recount.
  3. Follow the steps described in Step 1: Use the Cycle Count Subtab to Enter Item Counts to enter new item counts for the selected details.

After clicking Recount, the cycle counts to which the selected details belong are moved back to the Cycle Count subtab. From this tab, you can enter item counts for them again.

  • When a cycle count is sent back to the Cycle Count subtab, the cycle count details that you selected for recounting are set to a status of "New" and can be edited. The cycle count details that you didn't select for recounting show a status of "Complete" and cannot be edited.
  • If a print preview is generated for a cycle count in the Confirm Cycle Count subtab, the check mark of the Printed column still displays for this cycle count in case it is moved back to the Cycle Count subtab.

Carrying Out a Cycle Count Using Classic or Lightning Visualforce Pages

Initiated cycle counts appear in the Cycle Count section of the Cycle Count tab of Action Queues. To complete the cycle count actions in Order and Inventory Management:

  1. [Optional] Click Print Detail on the cycle count that you are carrying out.
  2. Click the cycle count number of the count to be carried out.
  3. Enter the number of items found at the location in the count field.
  4. Click Save.

Confirming Cycle Count Results

The results of a cycle count appear in the Confirm Cycle count section of the Cycle Count tab of Action Queues.

To confirm the results of a cycle count, click Confirm on the cycle count that you want to confirm.

To review the cycle count results, click the cycle count number that you want to review. If you want a recount for any of the results listed, click Recount next to that result.