Inventory Position Fields

ERP Cloud

The Inventory Position object contains records of items stored in a warehouse at a specific location. You can carry out several business processes on these records in Order and Inventory Management. Here is a description of the fields on the Inventory Position object.

Key: R – Read-only; D – Deprecated field.

Field Name   Description
Acquisition Cost   Actual cost of acquiring one item from the purchase order or miscellaneous receipt in the currency of the warehouse.
Acquisition Currency   Currency that the item was acquired in.
Adjustment Cost   Difference between the initial inventory position value and the Current Value.
Availability   Indicates whether the item is available to be allocated or used.
Availability Code   Indicates the specific purpose for which the inventory is available. For instance, whether the item is available to be used, sold, or lent.
Condition   Lookup to the condition code that describes the condition of the item. Your administrator can create condition codes on the codes tab. See Condition.
CSNClosed   Number of cycles the item has undergone since new.
CSOClosed   Number of cycles the item has undergone since overhauled.
CSRClosed   Number of cycles the item has undergone since it was removed.
Current Value   Current value of the item at the inventory position. This can be a depreciated value and can be changed over time. This field increases when a service type purchase order is received.
Cycle Count Detail   Cycle count detail record for this inventory position. This field is populated when a cycle count is initiated and cleared when the cycle count is confirmed.
Cycle Count Status   Indicates whether the inventory position should be added or removed from inventory on confirmation of the cycle count.
Date Placed in Inventory   Date on which the item was placed in inventory. The value of this field is set when the item is received or a miscellaneous receipt is created.
ICPClosed Acquisition Cost   Cost to acquire one unit of the item in the ICP currency.
ICP Currency   Currency used at the ICP in which the item is held.
ILSClosed Eligible D This field is no longer used.
Internal Repair Cost   The cost of repairs carried out internally per unit.
Inventory Attachment   Lookup to the inventory attachment record associated with the inventory position.
Inventory Location   Lookup to the location record to which this inventory position relates.
Item Description   Description of the item to which this inventory position relates.
Item Master   Lookup to the item master to which this inventory position relates.
Item Serial Number   Serial number of the item to which this inventory position relates when the item is serial number controlled.
Item Warehouse   Lookup to the warehouse to which the inventory position belongs. This is used to filter the put away locations on the action queues so that you can only put away items in the warehouse that received them.
Labor Cost   Labor cost for this item per unit at this inventory position.
Last Cycle Count Performed   Date on which the last cycle count for this inventory position was confirmed. This is used as the basis for calculating when the next cycle count is due for this inventory position.
Listed Date D This field is no longer used.
Listed on ILSClosed? D This field is no longer used.
List on ILS D This field is no longer used.
List Type D This field is no longer used.
Location   Location in the warehouse to which this inventory position relates.
Logistics Cost   Logistics cost for the item per unit at this inventory position.
Logistics Purchase Order Line Item   Lookup to the logistics purchase order line item associated with this inventory position when there is one.
Lot Number   Contains the lot number for the item associated with this inventory position if the item is lot number controlled.
Manufacturer   Lookup to the Manufacturer of the item at this inventory position.
Manufacturer CAGE   CAGEClosed code of the manufacturer of the item at this inventory position.
Net Change in Value R Contains the net change in value since the asset was acquired. The formula for this field is:
Current_Value__c - ICP_Acquisition_Cost__c
Owned By R Ownership of the item at this inventory position. This field is changed by other transactions, for instance, if you transfer an item from one location to another and the ownership of that item is to change at the new location.
Ownership Code   Code that describes the ownership of the item at this inventory position. Your administrator can create ownership codes on the codes tab. See Ownership.
Production Order   Lookup to the production order that created the item at this inventory position.
Production Order Line   Lookup to the production order line to which the item at this inventory position is allocated.
Purchase Order Line Item   Lookup to the purchase order line item to which the items at this inventory position are allocated. For instance, this field might be populated when the items are to be sent away to the manufacturer to be reconditioned or serviced as part of a purchase order.
Quantity Allocated   Quantity of the item at this inventory position that has been reserved to fill a purchase order, sales order or transfer request.
Quantity in Transit   Quantity of the item in transit.
Quantity Stored   Number of items currently stored at the location of this inventory position.
Receipt Line   Receipt line to which the item at this inventory position inventory relates.
Receiving Inspection   Lookup to the receiving inspection record associated with the items at this inventory position. This field only contains a value when the items require an inspection.
Reserve Price   Minimum price at which a seller is willing to sell the item. Reserve prices are commonly used in auctions.
Revision Level   Version or revision number of the item at this inventory position.
Sale Price   Price that the item at this inventory position is sold for.
Sales Order Line Item   Sales order line item to which the item at this inventory position relates.
Serial Number Lookup   Lookup to the serial number of the item at this inventory position. This field must contain a value if the item at the inventory position is serial number controlled.
Serial Number Obsolete   This field is no longer in use.
Service Cost   Accumulated service cost of the item at this inventory position per unit. This field increments when a service type purchase order is received.
Shelf Life Expiration   Time that the items at this inventory position can be stored for. During this time, the defined quality of a specified proportion of the item remains acceptable under the expected conditions of distribution and storage.
Total Acquisition Cost R Total cost of acquiring all the items at this inventory position in the currency of the warehouse.
Total Current Value R Total current value for all the items at this inventory position. The formula for this field is:
Current_Value__c * Quantity__c
Transfer Request Line   Lookup to the transfer request line associated with this inventory position. This field is populated when a transfer request is created for items at this inventory position.
TSNClosed   Time since the items at this inventory position were new.
TSOClosed   Time since the items at this inventory position were overhauled.
TSRClosed   Time since the items at this inventory position were removed.
Warehouse R Warehouse to which this inventory position belongs.