Inventory Location Fields

ERP Cloud

Here is a description of the fields that make up an Inventory Location.

Key: * – Mandatory field; O – optional. You can specify up to five levels of location within a warehouse; R – Read-only.

Field   Description
Active   Indicates whether the location is in use.
Address R Address of the warehouse to which the inventory location belongs.

If you want to view the addresses in Order and Inventory Management or create new ones, you can do so on the Codes tab.

Currency   Currency Iso Code. Do not use. This is a standard Salesforce field and is not used for Order and Inventory Management transactions. The Currency that the ICPClosed trades in is used for Order and Inventory Management transactions.
Name R Name of the location. This is copied from the Row field.
Row * Name of the highest sub division of the warehouse to which this location belongs.
Rack O Name of the second level sub division of the warehouse to which this location belongs.
Section O Name of the third level sub division of the warehouse to which this location belongs.
Shelf O Name of the fourth level sub division of the warehouse to which this location belongs.
Bin O Name of the fifth level sub division of the warehouse to which this location belongs.
Warehouse * Name of the warehouse to which the location belongs.