Inventory Network Fields

ERP Cloud

Inventory Control Point Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up an Inventory Control Point (ICP).

Key: * – Mandatory field

Field   Description
ICP NAME * Name of the inventory control point.
Manager   Name of the user who manages the ICPClosed.
Address   Address of the ICP.

If you want to view the addresses in Order and Inventory Management or create new ones, you can do so on the Codes tab.

Currency   Currency that the ICP trades in.
Reseller Number   Reseller number for the inventory control point.

Extension Packages That Add Fields to the ICP Object

Several Certinia extension packages add fields and buttons to the ICP object. For more information, follow the relevant links.

Extension Packages

Extension Package

Further Information

Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector ICP Fields

Warehouse Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a Warehouse.

Key: * – Mandatory field.

Field   Description
Warehouse Name * Name of the warehouse.
ICP * ICPClosed that controls the warehouse.
Address   Address of the warehouse.

If you want to view the addresses in Order and Inventory Management or create new ones, you can do so on the Codes tab.

Active   Indicates whether Order and Inventory Management users can carry out any transactions for this warehouse.
Currency   Currency Iso Code. Do not use. This is a standard Salesforce field and is not used for Order and Inventory Management transactions. The Currency that the ICPClosed trades in is used for Order and Inventory Management transactions.

Inventory Location Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up an Inventory Location.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only.

Field   Description
Name * Name of the subdivision within the warehouse for the location. This is the highest level location.
Rack * Second level used to identify the location.
Section   Third level used to identify the location.
Shelf   Fourth level used to identify the location.
Bin   Fifth level used to identify the location.
Warehouse * Name of the warehouse that the location record belongs to.
Address R Address of the warehouse that the location record belongs to.

If you want to view the addresses in Order and Inventory Management or create new ones, you can do so on the Codes tab.

Active   Indicates whether Order and Inventory Management the location can be used.

Inventory Network Buttons

Button Description
Edit ICP Displays the ICPClosed edit page where you can edit the ICP.
New ICP Creates a New ICP.
Delete ICP Deletes the selected ICP.

You cannot delete an ICP that contains warehouses.

Clone ICP Clones the selected ICP.

This will not clone the warehouses.

New Warehouse Creates a new warehouse in the selected ICP.
Edit Warehouse Displays the Warehouse Edit page where you can edit the ICP and change its Active status.
Delete Warehouse Deletes the selected warehouse.

You cannot delete a warehouse that contains inventory.

Clone Warehouse Clones the selected warehouse.

This will not clone the locations within the selected warehouse. The standard locations of Receiving, Receiving Inspection, Shipping and WIPClosed are created.