Cloning a Customer Quotation

ERP Cloud

A clone of a customer quotation contains all of the lines, option lines and groups from the original customer quotation. All of the fields, including custom fields are cloned. Some fields on the header and quote lines are reset.

You can clone customer quotation from the Detail section of the Customer Quotation.

To clone a customer quotation:

  1. Click Clone Quote.

The cloned customer quotation opens in a new window and will have the next available quote number.

Customer Quotation Header Fields

The following table shows the customer quotation header fields that are reset when a quotation is cloned:

Field Name Location
Sales Order Customer / Prospect Information
Sales Order Date Reference Information
Service Order Detail Section
Applied Rebate Amount Detail Section
Total Customer Rebate Discount Detail Section
Status Detail Section - Defaults to Open
Approval Status Detail Section - Defaults to New
Quotation Expires On Detail Section - Defaults to today (system value) plus the default number of days until the customer quotation expires. (Org setting)

Customer Quotation Line Fields

The following table shows the customer quotation line fields that are reset when a quotation is cloned:

Field Name Location
Applied Rebate Amount Detail Section
Customer Rebate Discount Detail Section

Reprice Information

If the price list has changed since the original customer quotation was created, you can reprice as required after creating the customer quotation clone.