Customer Quotation Fields

ERP Cloud

Here is a description of the fields on the Customer Quotation object.


The fields and layout described here might be different in your org depending on the way in which your administrator has set up Advanced Quoting, whether your organization uses Service Contracts and the type of customer quotation that you are viewing.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only; A - Automatically populated when you calculate tax using Avalara AvaTax; V - When you create or edit a customer quotation, at least one of these fields must contain a value otherwise a validation error message appears.

Field   Description
Actual Bill To   The billing address. Unless you select an Override Bill To Address, the Bill To address is set from the customer account to which the customer quotation relates.
Actual Ship To   The address to which items are to be shipped. Unless you select an Override Ship To Address, the Ship To address is set from the customer account to which the customer quotation relates.
Annual Contract Value   Average Total Recurring Fees over 12 months.
Applied Rebate Amount   Total amount of applied rebates from the customer quotation lines.
Approval Status   Indicates the current approval status of the customer quotation.
Change Request   Lookup to the service contract change request that the quotation relates to.
Currency   Currency of the customer quotation. The fields on the quote line breakdown are shown in this currency
Customer Account V Lookup to a customer account. To create a Sales Order or Service Contract, you must specify an active account. If you created the customer quotation from an opportunity, this is the account from which the related opportunity was created.
Customer Address   A copy of the Corporate Address field at the Account level.
Customer Contact V Name of the contact for the quotation.
Customer Contact Account   The account associated with the customer contact.
Customer Email  

The email address for the customer. The email is taken from the customer site or customer contact, whichever is present.

Customer Fax   The fax for the customer. The fax is taken from the customer site or customer contact, whichever is present.
Customer Phone   The phone for the customer. The phone is taken from the customer site or customer contact, whichever is present.
Customer Purchase Order   The customer's purchase order number.
Customer Total Price   Total across all the line items of the price for the customer.
Delivery Error   If an error occurs while the customer quotation is being delivered to the customer, the error is displayed in this field.
Delivery Options   Method of delivery for the customer quotation.
Discounted Term Fees   Amount of discount applied to the first and last terms.
Expired Quotes   If selected, you can find open quotes for requisitioned items.
External Tax Status A

The status of the tax calculation when using an external system to calculate tax for the customer quotation. The following statuses are available:

  • "Not Calculated"
  • "Calculated"

If you make any of the following changes after calculating tax, the value automatically changes from "Calculated" to "Not Calculated":

  • Add a new line to the customer quotation.
  • Change a field related to tax on the customer quotation. These fields include:
    • Customer Account
    • Override Ship to Address
  • Change a field related to tax on an existing customer quotation line. These fields include:
    • Avalara Tax Code
    • Delivery Method
    • Item Number
    • Ship to address fields
Gross Annual Contract Value   Total gross annual contract value excluding contract lines with percentage based pricing.
Lead   Lookup to the lead that the customer quotation relates to.
Marketing Campaign   Name of the Marketing campaign that generated the lead.
Monthly Recurring Revenue   The monthly revenue for a Service Contract or Flex Term SC customer quotation. This is calculated by subtracting the annual contract value from the total contract value and dividing the result by 12.
Net Annual Contract Value   Net annual contract value excluding contract lines with percentage based pricing.
No Bid   If selected, decision is made to make no bid response.
Number Active Service Lines   The number of active service lines on the customer quotation.
Number Lines   The number of lines on the customer quotation.
Number New Lines   The number of new lines on the customer quotation.
Number Of Cancel Lines   The number of canceled lines on the customer quotation.
Number of Months   Length of the contract in months.
Opportunity   The Salesforce opportunity associated with the customer quotation if there is one. This is the Opportunity from which the Customer Quote was generated.
Override Bill to Account   Enables you to select an Account to be billed when the Customer Account is not to be billed for this customer quotation.
Override Bill to Account Address   Enables you to select a Customer Address associated with the Override Bill to Account to be used as the billing address instead of the default.
Override Bill to Address   By default, the Bill To address is set from the customer account to which the customer quotation relates. Enables you to select an alternative bill to address associated with the account to which the customer quotation relates.
Override Ship to Address   By default, the Ship To address is set from the customer account to which the customer quotation relates. Enables you to select an alternative ship to address associated with the account to which the customer quotation relates.
Owner   The owner of the record. This defaults to the user who created the customer quotation.
Ownership Code   The project or ownership code to which the quote is to be associated. You can use this field as the basis to create client-separated inventory.
Payment Terms   Lookup to the purchase order payment term that the customer quotation relates to.
Price Type   Lookup relationship to the available price types. The lookup lists all of the available price types by name.
Prospect Address R

The full address of the prospect. Formatted as follows:

[Prospect Address Line 1]
[Prospect Address Line 2]
[Prospect City] [Prospect State or Province] [Prospect Postal Code]
[Prospect Country]

This is only populated when the Customer Contact and the Customer Account fields are not populated.

Prospect Address Line 1   Street and number information of the prospect's address.
Prospect Address Line 2   Additional information of the prospect's address.
Prospect Address Validated  

Indicates whether the prospect's address has been validated by Avalara AvaTax.

Automatically selected when you validate the address using the Validate Prospect Address Lightning action.

Automatically deselected when you change any of the following fields:

  • Prospect Address Line 1
  • Prospect Address Line 2
  • Prospect City
  • Prospect Country
  • Prospect Postal Code
  • Prospect State or Province
Prospect City   City of prospect.
Prospect Company   Name of the company being quoted
Prospect Country   Country of the prospect.
Prospect Email   Email address for the prospect. You must enter a valid email address if the chosen delivery option for the customer quotation is email.
Prospect FAX Number   The fax number for the prospect. If the delivery type is Fax, the contact fax number must be present.
Prospect Name V Name of the person who is to receive the customer quotation.
Prospect Phone   The phone number to contact the prospect.
Prospect Postal Code   Postal or zip code of the prospect's address.
Prospect State or Province   Province or state of the prospect.
Prospect Tax Registration Number   The prospect's identifying number, which is used for tax purposes.
Purchase History   If selected, you can find the purchase order history for requisitioned items.
Quotation Comments   Additional information can be entered into this field. You must select the Print Quotation Comments onto quote PDF field on the Advanced Quoting Settings custom setting to enable comments made in this field to appear on the customer quotation PDF.
Quotation Expires On   Date and time on which the customer quotation expires
Quote Date   Date on which the quote was created
Quote Description   Information for the customer quotation
Quote Number R An automatically generated unique ID for the customer quotation.
Received RFQ   Lookup to the received request for quote (RFQ) that the customer quotation relates to. It is not mandatory to have a received request for quote in order to create a customer quotation.
Record Type   The selected record type for the customer quotation. You can choose a different type of quotation depending on the product or service that you are quoting for. For instance, if the quotation is for a service contract, the Service Contracts or Flex Term SC record type is selected. You can choose from:
  • Change Request - a quote from a change request or service order
  • Change Request Flex Term - a quote from a change request or service order for a flexible term service contract.
  • Drop Ship - used when a tangible item is to be drop shipped.
  • Flex Term SC - a quote for a flexible service term service contract
  • Inventory - a quote for items to be sold from inventory.
  • Service Contract - a quote for a service contract
Reference   The RFQ number assigned by the prospect when the quotation was requested.
Requestor Comments   The comments from the requestor concerning the quote. These are automatically migrated from a received RFQ if there is one.
Requestor Deliver By Date   The deliver by date from the requestor concerning the quote. These are automatically migrated from a received RFQ if there is one.
Requestor Priority   The priority specified by the individual requesting the quote. This is automatically populated from the received RFQ if there is one.
Requestor Quote By Date   The quote by date from the requestor concerning the quote. This is automatically migrated from a received RFQ if there is one.
Sales Order   Lookup to the sales order that the customer quotation relates to. This is the sales order that was created based on the customer quotation.
Sales Order Date   The date and time that the sales order is created.
Sales Rep   The person responsible for the quotation. If this field is updated, the Owner field is automatically updated to reflect the same user.
Service Contract   Lookup to the service contract that the customer quotation relates to.
Service Contract End Date   Date on which the service contract ends.
Service Contract First Bill Date   Enables you to set the first billing date on a service contract customer quotation so that you can extend a trial or grace period for that quotation. The Waived Term Fees field has been added to calculate the waived fees associated with the later billing date.
Service Contract Start Date   Date on which the service contract is to start.
Service Term   A unit of time in days or months, used with service term number to determine the duration of the contract. For instance, if the service term number is four and the service term is quarter the total duration of the contract is one year. Before adding quote lines you can click the Edit link next to the field to change the value. Once initial quote line information is entered, you can edit the value in the quote line breakdown section. The service terms you can select depend on the service terms your administrator has created and activated in your organization. See Service Terms. See the Service Contracts documentation for information about service terms.
Service Term Number   The number of service terms to be applied to the contract. This and the service term determines the duration of the contract. For instance, if the service term number is four and the service term is quarter the total duration of the contract is one year. Before adding quote lines you can click the Edit link next to the field to change the value. Once initial quote line information is entered, you can edit the value in the quote line breakdown section.
Service Term Value   The Total RC Fees After Discount
Status   The overall status of the customer quotation. If Advanced Quoting is installed on your organization, you can apply prices to selected customer quotation lines by using the Modify Checked Items / drop-down list. If a price has not been applied to the customer quotation in this way, the status is Not Priced. The status of a customer quotation can be:
  • Open — The status of a newly created customer quotation.
  • Priced — Indicates that a pricing method has been applied to one or more customer quotation lines. This might happen automatically depending on the configuration that your administrator has chosen.
  • Not Priced — Indicates that none of the customer quotation lines have had a pricing action applied to them. This depends on the type of customer quotation that you are creating. For example, if you create a service contract or a flexible term service contract customer quotation and add a line, the status is not priced if your administrator has not set an automatic pricing action in the Advanced Quoting Settings custom setting.
  • Won — Indicates that a service contract or sales order has been created from the customer quotation.
  • Lost — Indicates that your company has lost the work to which this customer quotation relates. This status is not set unless your administrator has created a trigger to do so. When this is the case, you might be required to enter a reason.
  • Expired — Indicates that the expiry date specified in the Quotation Expires On field has passed and that the quote is no longer valid.
  • Delivered — Indicates that the customer quotation has been delivered to the customer.
  • Not Delivered — Indicates that the customer quotation has not been delivered yet.
  • Not Delivered - Error — Indicates that there was a problem in delivering the customer quotation to the customer.
  • Not Delivered - Processing — Indicates that the customer quotation is being processed for delivery and has not been delivered yet.
  • Revised — May be used in an approval process that your administrator has created.
  • Approved - May be used in an approval process that your administrator has created.
  • Note:

    Your administrator might have set up an approval process that works with the Approval Status field.

  • Supplier Agreements   If selected, you can find open supplier agreements for the requisitioned items.
    Sync Header Terms to Lines   If selected, the service term and service term number on the quotation and the quotation lines are synced. This checkbox field is selected by default.
    Sync internal and customer price?  

    If selected, the customer price is automatically updated with the internal sell price on the customer quotation line. This checkbox field is selected by default.

    Note: To independently set values for the Customer Price and Internal Sell Price fields on the quotation line, deselect this checkbox field.

    Indicates whether the account is liable for sales tax.


    This field is not used when you calculate tax using Avalara AvaTax.

    Terms to be Billed   Terms to be billed. For example, if the contract is for 12 months and the Service Contract Start Date is September 1 and the Service Contract First Bill date is November 1, the number of terms to be billed will be 10.
    Total Contract Cost   Total cost for the service contract quote.
    Total Contract Gross Percent   The total contract value minus the total contract cost expressed as a percent of total contract value. Gross percent is −100 if the total contract value is zero.
    Total Contract Gross Profit   The gross profit of the contract based on the number of terms to be billed.
    Total Contract Value  

    This field is calculated using the following formula:
    (Service Term Number * Service Term Value) + Total NRC Fees After Discount

    The TCV in the customer quotation field and the customer quotation banner TCV will have the same values unless waived terms have been generated. Waived terms are included when the Add Waived Terms to Service Terms custom setting is selected in the service contract settings. Waived terms will be included in the banner TCV value.

    Total Contract Value After Waived Terms  

    This field is calculated using the following formula:

    Total Contract Value — Waived Term Fees.

    Total Cost   Total cost of the quotation to your organization. Margin is calculated based on the value in this field.
    Total Customer Rebate Discount   Total amount of rebate given to the customer. This is rolled-up from the customer quotation lines.
    Total Delta Cost   Change to the Total Cost of the contract when the change request is applied. This is the difference between the old contract cost and the new contract cost.
    Total Delta Value   Change to the Total Contract Value of the contract when the change request is applied. This is the difference between the old contract value and the new contract value.
    Total Gross Percent  

    Internal total price minus total cost expressed as a percentage of internal total price. Gross percent is −100 if the total price is zero.

    Total Gross Percent with Rebate Discount   Percentage of Total Gross Profit that comes from rebates.
    Total Gross Profit   The total internal price minus total cost.
    Total Gross Profit with Rebates   Total gross profit on the customer quotation after rebates.
    Total NRC Discounted   Total discounted amount for nonrecurring fees.
    Total NRC Discounted %   Total discounted percentage for nonrecurring fees.
    Total NRC Extended   Total nonrecurring fees.
    Total NRC Extended After Discounts   This field is calculated using the following formula:
    (Total NRC Fees — Total NRC Discount)
    Total NRC Invoiced   The nonrecurring fees invoiced.
    Total NRC Materials   Total nonrecurring fees for materials.
    Total NRC Options   Total nonrecurring fees for options.
    Total NRC Time   Total nonrecurring fees for time.
    Total Quote After Rebate   Total price the customer pays after total customer rebate discount.
    Total Quote Price   This is the total price of all the line items in the quote.
    Total RC Discounted   Total discounted amount on recurring fees.
    Total RC Discounted %   Total discounted percent for recurring fees.
    Total RC Extended   Total recurring fees.
    Total RC Extended After Discounts   This field is calculated using the following formula:
    Total RC Fees — Total RC Discount
    Total Service Term Value   This is the total amount of the contract for the entire duration of the contract.
    Total Tax A The sum of the total tax applied to all lines in the quotation.
    Waived Term Fees   Total amount of waived contract fees. This is calculated by the total contract value minus the total contract value after waived term fees.

    Customer Quotation Line

    The fields shown in the customer quotation lines depend on the configuration your administrator has set and the type of customer quotation that you are looking at.

    In a service contract or change request customer quotation, the Customer Quotation Lines section contains the Quote Line Breakdown, which holds the Non Recurring Fees (NRC), Recurring Fees (RC) and Total Contract Value for the customer quotation.


    This section only appears in orgs that have Advanced Quoting installed.

    Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only; A - Automatically populated when you calculate tax using Avalara AvaTax; RC - Read-only and automatically recalculated as line items are added and financial calculations are applied.

    Field   Description
    # of Terms   Numeric value of service terms in duration.
    Advance Core Receipt?   If selected, indicates that the core must be received before the new part is shipped. The core must be received before the new part is shipped out.
    Applied Rebate Amount   Total amount of rebate the customer quotation line qualifies for.
    Avalara Tax Code A If tax calculation using Avalara AvaTax is enabled in your org, this is the tax code used to calculate tax for the line. The code is automatically populated using the predefined mappings, according to the item being sold and the delivery method. For more information, see AvaTax Code to Product Group Mappings.
    Change Request Line   Lookup to the change request line that the customer quotation line relates to.
    Comments   The comments that appear on outgoing quotations.
    Condition   Lookup to the condition that the customer quotation line relates to.
    Contract Gross Profit   Thes total contract value minus the total contact cost.
    Core Item Number   This is the expected part number to be returned by the customer.
    Core Valuation   The value of the core. The customer would be invoiced this amount if the core was not received.
    Current Contract Cost   The current contract cost for the customer quotation line.
    Current Contract Value   The total contract value for the customer quotation line.
    Customer Price   The price that is displayed on the quote that goes to the customer. The price is the actual deal price but the sales representative may elect to display a different price on the quote.
    Customer Price w/Options   The customer price plus the total options customer price.
    Customer Quotation   The customer quotation that the customer quotation line is associated with.
    Customer Rebate Discount   Amount of applied rebate amount deducted from the price the customer is to pay.
    Customer Total Price   Total customer price from all customer quotation lines before deducting rebates and discounts.
    Delivery ARO   Number of days to deliver after receipt of order (ARO).
    Delivery Method   The means by which the item is to be delivered.
    Editable Customer Quotation Line Name   For system use. Used to enable the Foundations Transform service to edit the record.
    Effective Date   The date on which the change is to take effect. This date is used to determine the prorated amount.
    Ext Customer Discount   The extended list price minus the total customer price.
    Ext. Customer Price   The quantity multiplied by the customer price per unit.
    Ext. Customer Price Options   The quantity of units multiplied by the customer total options price.
    Ext. Customer Price w/Options   The quantity of units multiplied by the customer price w/options.
    Ext.Closed Customer Price with Rebate Discount   Total price the customer is to pay after deducting the total customer rebate Discount.
    Ext. Internal Sell Price   The quantity multiplied by the internal sell price per unit.
    Ext. Internal Sell Price Options   The quantity of units multiplied by options internal sell price.
    Ext. Internal Sell Price W/Options   The quantity of units multiplied by the internal price w/options.
    Ext. Item Cost   The item cost multiplied by the quantity.
    Ext. Item Cost Options   The quantity of units multiplied by option cost per unit.
    Ext. Item Cost w/Options   The quantity of units multiplied by the item cost w/ options.
    Ext.Closed List Price   The list price multiplied by the quantity on the customer quotation line.
    Ext. List Price Options   The quantity of units multiplied by options list price.
    Ext. List Price w/Options   The quantity of units multiplied by the list price w/options.
    Ext. Term Cost   The extended term cost is the term cost multiplied by the number service terms.
    First term RC Discount R The amount discounted on the first recurring service term.
    Gross Annual Contract Value   Total gross annual contract value for the customer quotation line excluding percentage based pricing.
    Gross Percent with Rebate Discount   Percentage of Gross Profit that comes from rebates.
    Gross Profit   Internal Sell Price minus Cost.
    Gross Profit with Rebate Discounts   Gross profit after customer rebate discount.
    Internal Option Price   The total option price for item.
    Internal Sell Price  

    The price that the item sells for. When you apply a pricing action to a customer quotation line, the action is applied to the Internal Sell Price and Sell Price fields. Once a pricing action has been applied, the fields are independent of each other and you can change the value of either field independently. This is so that you can manipulate the quote lines to match budgets a customer might have for particular types of offering such as hardware or support.


    The total of the Internal Sell Price and Sell Price columns on a customer quotation must match before you convert the quote to a sales order or a service contract.

    Internal Sell Price w/Options   Internal sales price of the item including the options associated with it.
    Item Cost   Supplier-based cost. This is based on the cost entered associated with the Supplier of the item. An Item can be offered by multiple suppliers, with each supplier offering the Item at their own price. The cost depends on the selected supplier.
    Item Cost w/Options   The rolled-up cost of an item with the options associated with it.
    Item Description New   The description of new items that are not represented by an item record on the Item Master object.
    Item Exists in Item Master  

    This checkbox field is automatically selected if the item specified in the Item Number field has an item record on the Item Master object.

    Note: Do not manually select this field, the system sets this field automatically.
    Item Number  

    Lookup to the item being quoted. Use this field for items that are represented by an item record on the Item Master object. If the item is not currently represented on the Item Master object, specify the item in the Item Number - New field.

    Item Number - New   The item being quoted. Use this field for items that are not currently represented on the Item Master object. For items represented on the Item Master object, use the Item Number field.
    Item Option   Lookup to the item option that the customer quotation line relates to.
    Item Quote Description  

    The description the product being quoted. This field is pre-populated with basic description information from the item on the Item Master object.

    Note: Only effective for the current line item on a specific quote. It does not change the standard description.
    Item to Quote * Name of the item being quoted for.
    Item Type New  

    This field establishes warnings within the system based on capabilities. The possible values are:

    • Rotable
    • Repairable
    • Consumable
    • Tool
    • Capital Equipment
    Known Manufacturer  

    Lookup to the manufacturer that the customer quotation line relates to.

    Last Term RC Discount   The amount discounted on the last recurring service term.
    Line   Numerical order in which the line is to be presented.
    Line Number   Automatically generated number for the customer quotation line record. This is a unique ID number that is generated with a format of CQI-{0000000}.
    Line Type   The type of quotation line.
    List Price   List price of the item based on the selected supplier.
    List Price w/Options   List price of an item including options.
    Manufacturer   The manufacturer of the item.
    Margin   The margin per line.
    Maximum List Price   The maximum list price for an item based on percentage based pricing.
    Minimum List Price   Minimum list price for percentage based pricing.
    Monthly Recurring Revenue   The monthly revenue for the customer quotation line. This is calculated by subtracting the annual contract value from the total contract value and dividing the result by 12.
    Net Annual Contract Value   Net annual contract value for the customer quotation line excluding percentage based pricing.
    New Supplier   The name of the new supplier.
    No Bid?  

    If selected, indicates you do not want to provide a price for the item on the customer quotation line.

    NRC After Discount R

    The nonrecurring base fees after discount. This field is calculated using the following formula:

    (NRC Base — NRC Discounted)

    NRC Base   Nonrecurring base price per unit.
    NRC Contract Value R Total nonrecurring value for customer quotation line.
    NRC Discounted   Discounted amount for nonrecurring base fees.
    NRC Discounted %   Percentage discounted for nonrecurring base fees.
    NRC Ext. R Total nonrecurring fees.
    NRC Ext. After Discounts R Total nonrecurring fees after discounts. This field is calculated using the following formula:

    (NRC Extended - NRC Discounted)

    NRC Invoiced   The nonrecurring amount that is invoiced.
    NRC Not Invoiced   The nonrecurring amount that is not invoiced.
    NRC Type   Indicates whether the nonrecurring fees on the customer quotation line are for time, material or an option.
    NRC w/Options R

    The nonrecurring and options fees for a single unit. This field is calculated using the following formula:

    NRC Base price + Options NRC Base fees before discount

    NRC w/ Options After Discounts R

    The nonrecurring and options fees for a single unit after discounts. This field is calculated using the following formula:

    NRC after Discount + Options NRC After Discount

    Option NRC   Total NRC options for the parent customer quotation line.
    Option RC   Total RC options for the parent customer quotation line.
    Options Customer Price   The customer price for all options per unit.
    Options Internal Sell Price   The internal price for all options per one unit.
    Options Item Cost   The cost for all options per one unit.
    Options List Price   The list price for all options per one unit.
    Original Internal Sell Price   Original internal sell price before any bottom line discount.
    Override Avalara Tax Code   The Avalara tax code used for the line. When defined, the value is used to calculate tax for the line in AvaTax. When this is not defined, the tax code is determined from AvaTax code to product group mappings. This is stored in the Avalara Tax Code field. For more information, see AvaTax Code to Product Group Mappings.
    Parent Customer Quotation Line   Lookup to the parent customer quotation line.
    Percent   Percentage applied to the action taken in the Price By field.
    Percentage Based Pricing   Indicates whether the list price is calculated by a percentage of a value. This checkbox is set by the system.
    Price List Overridden   If selected, indicates that the list price was overridden.
    Price Type   Lookup to the price type that the selected quote line item is assigned to.

    Lookup to the price list entry that was used to populate the list price. This field is populated by a background process. It references a price from the price list that applies to the customer quotation line.

    Pricing Action   The method used for pricing the customer quotation line.
    Product Group New   Lookup to the product group that the customer quotation line relates to. Defines the logical group the item belongs to (e.g., computing equipment, printing supplies). This is typically used in sales reporting functions.
    Prorated Billing Amount   Prorated amount from the change request line. The amount is based on the changes to the contract line and the difference between the effective date and the billed through date.
    Quantity * Number of the item to quote for.
    Quote Item Description * A copy of the Item Description field on the Item Master object.
    Quote Line Group   Lookup to the quote line group that the customer quotation line belongs to.
    RC After Discount R

    The recurring base fees after discount. This field is calculated using the following formula:

    RC Base — RC discounted

    RC Base   The recurring price per term per unit.
    RC Contract Value   Total recurring fees for the customer quotation line.
    RC Discounted   The amount of discount applied per unit per term.
    RC Discounted %   The percentage discount applied per unit per term.
    RC Ext. R

    The total recurring fees. This field is calculated using the following formula:

    Quantity * RC Base

    RC Ext. After Discounts R

    The total recurring fees after discount. This field is calculated using the following formula:

    Quantity * RC After Discount

    RC Terms   The number of days or months that make up the a single contract term. For instance, if the Service Term is Annual, the value of this field is 12. This indicates that a single contract term is 12 months.
    RC w/Options R

    The recurring and options fees for a single unit. This field is calculated using the following formula:

    RC Base price + Options RC Base fees before discount

    RC w/ Options After Discounts R

    Recurring and options fees for a single unit after discounts. This field is calculated using the following formula:

    RC after Discount + Options RC After Discount

    Received RFQ Item  

    Lookup to the received RFQ item that created the customer quotation line. This is set by the conversion from RRFQ to customer quotation.

    Remaining # Terms   The number of terms remaining to bill on the customer quotation line. This is populated from the service contract line.
    Requested Delivery Date   The date the customer or prospect has requested delivery.
    Selected Response   Lookup to the sourcing response that was the source of the supplier price.
    Service Being Quoted   A description of the service that is being quoted.
    Service Contract Line   Lookup to the service contract line that this customer quotation line relates to.
    Service Contract Line Option   Lookup to the service contract line option that this customer quotation line relates to.
    Service Term   Lookup to the service term that the customer quotation line relates to.
    Service Term End Date   The end date for a service being rendered. Example: a support contract.
    Service Term Start Date   The start date for a service being rendered. Example: a support contract.
    Ship-to City   The shipping address of the customer quotation line.
    Ship-to Country  
    Ship-to Line 1  
    Ship-to Line 2  
    Ship-to State / Province  
    Ship-to Zip / Postal Code  
    Shipping Address Validated  

    Indicates whether the shipping address of the customer quotation line has been validated by Avalara AvaTax.

    Automatically selected when you validate the address using the Validate Shipping Address Lightning action.

    Automatically deselected when you change any of the following fields:

    • Ship-to City
    • Ship-to Country
    • Ship-to Line 1
    • Ship-to Line 2
    • Ship-to State / Province
    • Ship-to Zip / Postal Code

    The status of the customer quotation line. The possible values are:

    • New
    • Bid
    • No Bid

    The price field contains a valid price if the status is Bid otherwise the price is not a valid price. Select the No Bid status if you do not want to provide a price for the item on the customer quotation line.

    Supplier   The supplier for the line item.
    Supplier Catalog Overridden  

    If selected, indicates that the supplier catalog price was overridden.

    Supplier Catalogue Item   Lookup to the supplier catalogue item that the customer quotation line relates to.
    Supplier Catalogue Price Break   Lookup to the supplier catalogue price break that is used to calculate the price for the customer quotation line.
    Supplier Site   Lookup to the supplier site for the customer quotation line.
    Tax A The total tax value for the customer quotation line.
    Tax Name 1-3 A The name of the tax that applies to this customer quotation line. You can use up to three fields to represent the state, county, and city tax authorities.
    Tax Rate A The total tax rate to use when calculating tax for this customer quotation line.
    Tax Rate 1-3 A The tax rate to use when calculating tax for this customer quotation line. This enables you to view a breakdown of the tax rates applied per jurisdiction.
    Tax Value 1-3 A The tax value, calculated from the corresponding tax rate. This enables you to view a breakdown of the calculated tax values per jurisdiction.
    Term Value R

    The recurring term value for the customer quotation line. This field is calculated using the following formula:

    RC Ext. After Discounts * RC Terms

    Total Contract Cost RC The total contract cost of the customer quotation line.
    Total Contract Value RC The total contract value of the customer quotation line including options. This field is calculated using the following formula:
    (Service Term Number * Service Term Value) + Total NRC Fees After Discount
    Total Delta Contract Line Cost   Change to the Total Cost of the contract line when the change request line is applied.
    Total Delta Contract Line Value   Change to the Total Contract Value of the contract line after the change request line is applied.
    Total First RC Term Cost R The total recurring cost with options for the first term.
    Total First RC Term Cost   The total recurring cost with options for the first term.
    Total First Term RC Contract Value R The total recurring fees minus discounts for the first term of service
    Total First Term RC Contract Value   The total recurring fees minus discounts for the first term of service.
    Total Last RC Term Cost R The total recurring cost with options for the last term.
    Total Last RC Term Cost   The total recurring cost with options for the last term.
    Total Last Term RC Contract Value R The total recurring fees minus discounts for the last term of service.
    Total Last Term RC Contract Value   The total recurring fees minus discounts for the last term of service.
    Total RC Cost   The total recurring cost for the customer quotation line.
    Unit of Measure for New Item   Lookup to the unit of measure for the item being quoted. This unit of measure applies only for items that are not defined in the Item Master object.
    UOM   The unit of measure associated with items that are defined in the Item Master object.
    Up Sell Cross Sell   Lookup to the up sell cross sell that relates to the customer quotation line.
    Used Price   Lookup to the price list price used to calculate the price for the customer quotation line.


    Here is a description of the buttons available on the Customer Quotation object.

    Key: L - Only available in Lightning Experience.

    Button   Description
    Add Margin   Increases all supplier prices by a fixed percentage.
    Add New Line   Displays the Add New Line popup where you can add new lines to a customer quotation.
    Apply   Applies the selected action to the selected quotation lines according to the value you enter.
    Calculate Tax L Calculates tax for the customer quotation using the external tax calculation service. For more information, see Calculating Tax for a Customer Quotation Using Avalara AvaTax.
    Create Sales Order   Creates a sales order from an Inventory or Drop Ship customer quotation.
    Duplicate   Clones the customer quotation and its lines.
    Delete Lines   Deletes the selected customer quotation lines.
    Edit Lines   Makes the fields in each quotation line that you can edit available for editing.
    Filter Lines By   Displays an extra section where you can hide the columns displayed in the Quote Line Breakdown section.
    Go   Creates a new customer quotation line based on the text you enter in the Enter New Line box or displays the Add New Line popup depending on the option your administrator has chosen in the Advanced Quoting Settings custom setting.
    Modify Checked Items   Enables you to modify or price selected customer quotation lines by selecting an action and applying it based on the criteria you enter. The methods available depend on the configuration options your administrator has chosen in the Advanced Quoting Settings custom setting and the type of customer quotation you are creating. For information about pricing options, see Customer Quotations. You can carry out these modification actions on customer quotation lines using the Modify Checked Items drop-down list:
    • Group - Groups the selected lines under the heading you specify
    • Ungroup - Ungroups the selected groups
    • Sort Groups - Sorts groups depending on the criteria you specify
    • Clone Lines - Clones the selected lines
    Note: From Spring 2022, in Lightning Experience, the Modify Checked Items functionality is via the .

    Displays the customer quotation in a format that you can print.


    The Advanced Quoting extension package includes a different Print button with additional functionality. For more information, see Customer Quotation Fields.

    Print L

    Displays the customer quotation in a format that you can print. If automatic tax calculation using Avalara is enabled in the org, this also calculates tax for customer quotations when the External Tax field is set to "Not Calculated".


    This Lightning action replaces the existing Print button in Order and Inventory Management Core. It does not contain the functionality of the Print button available in the Advanced Quoting extension package.

    Print Summary   Displays a summary of the customer quotation that you can print. Where customer quotation lines are part of a group, the header is listed. If a customer quotation line is not part of a group, that customer quotation line is listed.

    Sends the quotation to the customer and to the quotation record's owner. The customer email is taken from the account associated with the quotation. If no email has been specified on the associated account, the quotation is sent to the customer email specified in the Prospect Email field of the quotation. The email of the record's owner is taken from the user that appears in the Owner field of the quotation.

    Note: Ensure an email has been specified either in the Prospect Email field or the associated account, otherwise you'll receive an error when sending the quotation.
    Validate Prospect Address L Validates the address of the prospect in Avalara AvaTax. For more information, see Validating the Address of a Prospect on a Customer Quotation Record.

    Here is a description of the buttons available on the Customer Quotation Line object.


    We strongly recommend that you do not clone customer quotation lines using the Salesforce Clone button.

    Key: L - Only available in Lightning Experience.

    Button Name   Description
    Validate Shipping Address L Validates the shipping address of the customer quotation line in Avalara AvaTax.

    Extension Packages That Add Fields to the Customer Quotation Object

    Several Certinia extension packages add fields and buttons to the Customer Quotation and Customer Quotation Line objects. For more information, follow the relevant links.

    Extension Packages

    Extension Package

    Further Information

    Advanced Quoting Customer Quotation Fields
    Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara Customer Quotation Fields