Grouping Lines on a Customer Quotation

ERP Cloud
Note: This information only applies to Classic and Lightning Visualforce Pages. For information on how to create customer quotations and customer quotation lines using Lightning Experience, see Creating a Customer Quotation.

You can group lines together to help categorize subsections of a customer quotation. Grouped lines appear on the customer quotation PDF that is sent to the customer. Once you have grouped the lines you can expand or collapse the groups or change the order in which they are displayed.

To group lines on a customer quotation:

  1. Select the checkboxes of the lines to be included in the group.
  2. Select Group from the Modify Checked Items drop-down list.
  3. Enter the name of the group you want.
  4. Click Apply.

To expand the group, click Expand arrow. To collapse the group, click Collapse arrow.

To edit the name of a group:

  1. Click Edit in the title of the group that you want to change.
  2. Enter the text you want.
  3. Click Save.

Changing the Order of a Group

To change the order of a group:

  1. Click the up Move up arrow or down Move down arrow arrow next to the group that you want to move depending on whether you want to move the group up or down.

    The lines within the group are highlighted in yellow to indicate that the group has been moved .

    The lines within a selected group are highlighted in yellow to indicate that the group has been moved.


    Changes to the order of the groups are not saved automatically. When you do so, the yellow shading on the lines disappears.

  2. Click Save.

Grouping Lines by Product Group

Items that have been assigned to a product group on their item master and have been entered as line items can be grouped by product group.

To group lines on a customer order by product group:

  1. Select the checkboxes of the lines to be included in the product group.
  2. Select Group by Product Group from the Modify Checked Items drop-down list.
  3. Click Apply.

You can overwrite the group names on the customer quotation using the group name edit function. You can then continue to use the group by product group action on the "Modify Checked Items" drop down list. New lines added to the customer quotation and grouped by product group will join the correct group even if the group name has been changed. If you overwrite a group name on the customer quotation the product group at the item master level will not be overwritten.