
ERP Cloud
Note: This information only applies to Classic and LightningVisualforce Pages. For more information on Customer Quotation using Lightning Experience see, Creating a Customer Quotation.

You can price a customer quotation using the actions on the Modify Checked Items drop-down list in the Quote Line Breakdown section. The options displayed depend on the type of customer quotation you are creating.

 The Modify Checked Items drop-down list in the Quote Line Breakdown section.

Here is a description of the Pricing Action fields.

Key: S – Applies to service contract, flex term sc and change request customer quotations only; I – Applies to inventory and drop ship customer quotations only.

Pricing Action   Description
Apply Rebate   Applies the percentage of the Applied Rebate Discount you specify to the Customer Rebate Discount. The Customer Rebate Discount is then deducted from the price the customer pays.
Set Cost by List Minus  

Sets the item cost to a percentage of the list price.

Note: From Spring 2022, in Lightning Experience, the Manage Pricing functionality is via the .
NRC Discount Percent S Sets the NRC base based on the percentage discount you enter using the formula:
NRC Base - (Percentage/100 * NRC Base)
Where Percentage is the percentage discount you enter.
RC Discount Percent S Sets the RC base based on the percentage discount you enter using the formula:
RC Base - (Percentage/100 * RC Base)
Where Percentage is the percentage discount you enter.
Cost Plus  

The cost of the item plus the percentage gross profit margin you want to make:
Price = Item Cost + (Item Cost * Percentage Profit Margin)
For example, if the supplier cost of the item is $100 and you enter 25, The Ext. Sell Price is $125.

Note: From Spring 2022, in Lightning Experience, the Manage Pricing functionality is via the .
List Minus I

The Price is calculated using the formula:
Price = List Price – (List Price * % Discount)
For example, if the list price of the item is $200 and you enter a percentage discount of 25, The Ext. Sell Price is $150.

Note: From Spring 2022, in Lightning Experience, the Manage Pricing functionality is via the .
List Minus NRCClosed S Sets the NRC base to the list price minus the percentage you specify.
List Minus RCClosed S Sets the RC base to the list price minus the percentage you specify.
Profit Margin I

The Price is calculated using the formula:
Price = Item Cost / (1 – Gross Profit)
For example, if the supplier cost of the item is $100 and you enter 25, The Ext. Sell Price is $133.33.

Note: From Spring 2022, in Lightning Experience, the Manage Pricing functionality is via the .
Profit Margin NRC S The NRC price is calculated using the formula:
Quantity * (Item Cost / (1 - (Profit Margin/100)))
Where Profit Margin is the percentage you enter.
Profit Margin RC S The RC price is calculated using the formula:
Quantity * (Item Cost / (1 - (Profit Margin/100)))
Where Profit Margin is the percentage you enter.

Pricing a Customer Quotation

To price a customer quotation:

  1. Select the checkbox of the customer quotation lines that you want to price. If you want to price all the customer quotation lines, select the checkbox in the header.
  2. Select a pricing action from the Modify Checked Items drop-down list.
  3. Enter a value in the field next to the Modify Checked Items drop-down list.
  4. Click Apply.

Applying the Existing List Price

The Ext. Sell Price is applied to the customer quotation. If you want to apply the existing list price to the quote, you do so by applying List Minus with a value of 0. To do so, follow the steps to price a customer quotation, select List Minus from the Modify Checked Items drop-down list and enter a value of 0.

Setting the Cost by List Price Minus a Percentage

If your organization is a value-added reseller or distributor and there is a specific deal where a discount is provided based on a percentage of the list price, you can set the cost based on a percentage of the list price. To set the item cost to a percentage of the list price, follow the steps to price a customer quotation, but select Set Cost by List Minus from the Modify Checked Items drop-down list and enter the percentage you want.

Bottom Line Discount

You can dictate rather than calculate a discount amount. To do so, enter the discount you want in the Bottom Line Discount field and click Save. When you do so, the Price By field changes to show that the Total Quote Price has been reduced by the Bottom Line Discount that you entered.

 The Price By field changes to show that the Total Quote Price has been reduced by the Bottom Line Discount entered.

Setting the Price

As well as the other pricing options, you can also set the total price for the quote manually. To do so, enter the value you want in the Total Quote field and click Save. When you set the price this way, the Price By field changes to indicate that the Total Quote Price field was overridden. In addition, the Bottom Line Discount field updates to reflect the change.

Changing the total quote field manually.

Percentage Based Pricing

You can price a customer quotation line by percentage of the Gross or Net Annual contract value of the lines that are not priced by percentage. To do so:

  1. If you have not already done so, create a price list with prices that reflect your requirements. Complete these fields for each price in your price list that is to priced by percentage of the annual contract value:
    • Maximum List Price
    • Minimum List Price
    • Price by Percent
    • RC Percentage Base
    • RC Price Percentage.
    • See Price List Fields.
  2. If you have not already done so, create an item master for each item to be priced.
  3. Add the items to be quoted to the customer quotation . See Adding Lines to a Customer Quotation.