Scheduling Backlog Calculations

Professional Services Cloud

You can schedule a backlog calculation from the PSA Administration page, which you open from App Launcher. For more information, see Backlog Calculations Overview and PSA Administration.

You can schedule backlog calculations for a resource or an organization to run automatically at a particular time or frequency in the future for a region, practice, or group.

To calculate backlog immediately for a resource or an organization, see Calculating Backlog.

To schedule a backlog calculation:

  1. On the PSA Administration page, click PSA Scheduled Actions | Schedule Backlog Calculation. The Schedule Backlog Calculation window opens.
  2. From the lookup, search for and select the region, practice or group that you want to schedule backlog for.

For all the lookup fields, you can also click Show All Results for “ ”. The search lookup window opens with the searched string populated in the Search field and displays all related items in the grid.

Select the item from the grid that you want and click Select. The selected item is then displayed in the lookup field. For more information, see Using Advanced Lookup.


If Shield Platform Encryption is enabled in your org, the records in the Resource, Account, and Opportunity search lookup window are filtered using only the Name field in the grid.

  1. Click Next.
  2. Complete the following fields:
    • Backlog Calculation Name
    • Start Date
    • Time Period Types
  3. [Optional] Complete the remaining fields as described in Backlog Calculation Fields.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Set the Schedule for weekly or monthly calculations. For more information, see Schedule.
  6. Click Schedule. The scheduled backlog calculation is queued.
  7. [Optional] Verify the queued scheduled backlog calculation job in Scheduled Jobs.