Your organization can attribute a PSA business record to RPGs other than a project or resource's RPG
. When a PSA business record that is to be included in financials is processed, its related transactions roll-up
to RPG actuals
based on configuration options in the Transaction Follow Rules configuration group
. Transactions are rolled up to either the Project or Resource RPG based on these settings. See Transaction Follow Rules Settings.
In addition, users can override the RPG that a transaction rolls-up to on these types of business record:
- Assignments
- Budgets
- Expense Reports
- Milestones
- Miscellaneous Adjustments
- Timecard Headers
When overriding RPGs, billing event generation and forecasting groupings remain based on the project's RPG, since the RPG overrides only affect roll-ups. The billed (or invoiced) revenue roll-ups go to the overridden RPG once the business records are released or invoiced during the billing process.