Work Event Fields and Buttons

These are the fields and buttons for the Work Event object and Edit Event window.

Work Event Fields

These are the fields on the Work Event object.

Work Event Fields




Default Value

Work Event Name   The name of the work event. Auto-populated
End Date & Time   The end date and time of the event. Select from the date and time pickers. Auto-populated
Start Date & Time   The start date and time of the event. Select from the date and time pickers. Auto-populated
Is Online Meeting  

Indicates whether this is an online work event.

This checkbox is selected if a user selects an online meeting type in the Meeting in the Work Event window.

Short Description   The text description of the work event that you have added in the Description in the Work Event window for online and offline meetings. Blank
Description   The details of the online meeting, including the URL of the meeting. Auto-populated
Created By  

The user who created the work event.


Owner   The owner of the work event. Auto-populated
Currency   The currency of the org that the work event is in. Auto-populated
Last Modified By  

The user who last modified the work event.



Work Event Window Fields

These are the fields in the Edit Event window, which is displayed in the calendar.

Work Event Window Fields




Default Value

Name   The name of the work event. Blank
Start   The start date and time of the event. Select from the date and time pickers. The selected start date and time of the work event.
End   The end date and time of the event. Select from the date and time pickers. The selected end date and time of the work event.

The host of the event, which is the name of the logged in contact that is creating the work event.

If there are multiple invitees to the work event, the host automatically accepts the invite, and invites the other invitees to the work event.

The logged in user who is creating the work event.

The attendees that you have selected from the list of available contacts. The list is populated with the contacts you have selected using the filter panel. You can delete and reselect attendees.

Note: The host is not repeated in this list.
The contacts selected in the filter panel.

A list of the types of online meeting that are available.

Note: Currently, only Microsoft Teams is supported.

A description of the work event. When you add text to this field, the Short Description field on the Work Event and Work Event Invite objects is populated.

For online meetings, The Description field on the Work Event and Work Event Invite objects is auto-populated with the meeting URL.


Edit Event Buttons

These are the buttons in the Edit Event window.

Edit Event Buttons



Default Value
Cancel Cancels the creation of the work event. Not applicable
Delete Deletes the work event Not applicable
Save Saves the work event. Not applicable

Work Event Details Buttons

These are the buttons in the work event details panel and the right-click menu.

Work Event Details Buttons



Default Value
Edit Opens the Edit Event window. Not applicable
Delete Deletes the work event. Not applicable