Submitting Time

Professional Services Cloud
  1. From the Timecard display, tap
  2. Tap Submit Timecard for week or Cancel to cancel.
  3. Tap Submit Timecard to confirm submission of your time.

Timecards must be editable to submit. If the Submit button does not display, the timecard is not editable. Possible reasons include:

  • The timecard status is not listed in edit status values.
  • The Project or Assignment is not active.
  • The Project or Assignment has already been billed.
  • The user does not have Record Access to the timecard.

If you are unable to submit a timecard via the PSA Mobile Timecards App, try the PSA desktop interface. If there is a discrepancy in behavior, contact Support.

Alternatively, if your administrator has enabled the behavior, you can submit individual timecards from the Time Entry page.

  1. From the Time Entry page, save your timecard.
  2. Tap Submit.

To enable this functionality, your administrator must set the Timecard Mobile Settings setting in the Timecard Mobile custom setting.