Project Planner Overview

Professional Services Cloud

Work planners are also available, which cover many of the same workflows as the Resource Planner and Project Planner and offer the following additional features:

  • A scheduler to give you a clear, visual overview of upcoming work.
  • Enhanced support for resource requests.
  • More options for filtering and grouping work.
  • A panel that enables you to view additional details, such as logged hours and project tasks, without leaving the current page.

For more information, see Work Planners Overview.

The Project Planner comprises the following:

Item Description

More Information

Filters Panel Use a criteria to refine the number of projects. Filters Panel Overview
Project List Displays all the projects in your organizationClosed. Single-clickto show or hide all the project's assignmentCloseds and held resource requestsClosed. You can also double-click the project name to view these on the edit assignments panel. Searching for Resources or Projects

Contains assignment bars and project summary bars, which represent assignment length and scheduled hours rolled up to the parent project. A scrollable timeline shows days, weeks, months or quarters over a set time span.

Single-click on the project to expand or contract the list of all the project's assignmentCloseds and held resource requestsClosed. Double-click on entries in the list of assignments or held resource requests to enter Rapid Edit mode.

Timeline Overview
Edit Assignments Panel View and edit schedules for assignments and view held resource requestsClosed. Edit Assignments Panel Overview

Example Project Planner Filters Panel

Example Project List

Example Timeline