Managing Saved Filters

Professional Services Cloud

Multiple collections of filters are known as saved filters. You can define a particular saved filter as your default when you open planners, and rename saved filters. You can toggle saved filters to return results based on their different search criteria, or update saved filters by replacing existing filter criteria.

Viewing Saved Filter Sets

To view saved filters, click to expand My Saved Filters in the Filters panel.

Toggling Filter Sets

To toggle filter sets:

  1. Navigate to My Saved Filters in the Filters panel.
  2. Click the name of the saved filter you want to apply. The saved filter criteria is applied.
  3. Click another filter set name to apply its criteria and view the results.

Creating Saved Filters

To create a set of saved filters:

  1. Click Reset All in the Filter Summary to remove any filters.
  2. Complete the steps as described in Filtering the List of Resources or Projects.
  3. Click to expand My Saved Filters in the Filters panel.
  4. Click Save New Filter.
  5. In the Save Filter dialog, enter a name in the Filter Name field.
  6. [Optional] Select Set as Default to make the saved filter set your default.
  7. Click Save.

Editing Saved Filters

You can update a saved filter by replacing existing criteria with new filtering criteria. For example, adding or removing filters, or replacing filters.

To replace existing criteria:

  1. Complete the steps as described in Filtering the List of Resources or Projects.
  2. In the My Saved Filters panel, click next to the saved filter you want to edit.
  3. Click Replace filter contents.
  4. Select Replace to confirm.

Renaming a Saved Filter

To rename a saved filter.

  1. In the My Saved Filters panel, click next to the saved filter you want to rename.
  2. Click Rename.

Setting a Saved Filter as the Default

You can specify a particular saved filter as your default and apply your favorite filters when you open the planners.

To set a saved filter set as the default:

  1. Complete the steps as described in Creating Saved Filters.
  2. In the My Saved Filters panel, click next to the saved filter you want to set as the default.
  3. Click Set as default.

Removing a Saved Filter as the Default

You can remove the saved filter as your default.

To remove the saved filter as the default:

  1. Complete the steps as described in Setting a Saved Filter as the Default.
  2. Click Remove as default.

Deleting Saved Filters

To delete a saved filter:

  1. In the My Saved Filters panel, click next to the saved filter you want to remove.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. Click Delete Filter to confirm.