Managing Resource Request Sets

To automatically update the fields below on all other resource requests in the resource request set, when a specific resource request is staffed, select use-resource-request-sets and then select Update Related Resource Requests on each resource request record in the set:

Linking Resource Request Sets

You must add the PSA Actions: Resource Request Details Lightning component to the Resource Request Lightning record page.

To manage a resource request set:

  1. On a Resource Request Lightning record page, click Actions | Resource Requests | Manage Resource Request Set.
  2. [Optional] In the Add Copies of Master Resource Request section, select the number of copies of the master resource request you want to add to the resource request set and click Add Copies.
  3. Select the checkboxes of the resource requests you want to link to the resource request set.
  4. Click Done. The resource request set is updated.

Deleting Resource Requests in Resource Request Sets


You cannot delete the resource request record from the set that you opened the Manage Resource Request Set window from.

To delete resource requests in a resource request set:

  1. On a Resource Request Lightning record page, click Actions | Resource Requests | Manage Resource Request Set.
  2. In the Manage Resource Request Set window, select the checkboxes of the resource requests you want to remove from the resource request set.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Click Done.