Setting up Reporting Drill Configuration

ERP Cloud

To drill down on the information contained within reports, you must create relationships between reports by adding mappings that match the reporting prompts from the drill definition.


To enable drill functionality, you need to generate the S2S Transaction List reporting definition before generating any other reporting definitions. For more information, see Generating Reporting Definitions.

To set up reporting drill configuration:

  1. Open the source definition and the destination definition from the Reporting Definitions tab. The source definition is the report from which drill activity is initiated. The destination definition is the drill definition.
  2. In the Reporting Definition Detail related list, click the lookup for the Reporting Drill Definition field and select the destination definition that you want to use. If you generated the S2S Transaction List reporting definition after generating other reporting definitions, you can manually select it from the lookup.
  3. Click Save.
  4. In the Reporting Drill Mappings related list, click New Reporting Drill Mapping.
  5. Provide details for each mapping that you want to create:
    • Reporting Drill Mapping Name: a name for the reporting drill mapping.
    • Drill Prompt Key: the prompt key from the destination definition.
    • Drill Type: the drill type of the source definition. The drill type determines the behavior of the reporting drill mapping.
    • Template Key: the prompt key or reporting value template key from the source definition. The templates key depends on the drill type.
    • Reporting Definition: the source definition. This field is pre-populated.
  6. Click Save & New to complete the details for another reporting drill mapping or click Save if you have completed the details for all reporting drill mappings.
  7. From the Reporting Drill Mapping Detail, click the name of the source definition to open the Reporting Definition Detail. The reporting drill mappings you created are visible in the Reporting Drill Mappings related list.
  8. Click Run Report then click View.

The reporting drill mappings are configured. A Link icon is displayed in the column headers that contain data that you can drill down on. Click a cell to drill down on the data it contains.

Removing Reporting Drill Configuration

To remove reporting drill configuration, delete the drill template from the source definition.


After you remove reporting drill configuration, the drill icon and related links still appear when you run the report.