Generating Reporting Definitions

ERP Cloud

The Reporting package includes a set of report templates and the information required to generate a corresponding reporting definition and its child objects for each template. You must generate a reporting definition and then customize it before using it for the first time.

Generate reporting definitions in the following order:

  1. S2S Transaction List: generate this reporting definition first if you want to enable drill functionality. For more information, see Setting up Reporting Drill Configuration.
  2. TFIA0100000000001 to TFIA0100000000005: generate these reporting definitions to automatically create a full set of reporting objects and filters in your org for financial reporting from Accounting. You can obtain more information on each report definition by reading its description on the Reporting Generator Home page.
  3. TFSA0100000000001 and TFSA0100000000002: generate these reporting definitions for Certinia Customer Support information if there is a query.
  4. All packaged reports: generate any reporting templates that you want to make available to your users.

To generate a reporting definition and its child objects:

  1. Click the Reporting Generator tab to display the reporting generator page.
  2. Find the reporting definition you want to generate and click the related Generate Definition link.
  3. [Optional] Edit the default reporting definition name. This name must be unique.
  4. Click Save. The reporting definition and its child objects are generated. You can view them on an appropriate reporting definitions list view and on the Reporting Home page.
  5. Repeat these steps for any other report definitions that you want to use.
  • The Generate Definition link is only available for packaged report definitions. It is not available for custom report definitions.
  • When you use generated reporting definitions for the first time, you need to edit the reporting prompts and filters to match your corporate chart of accounts.