Understanding Template Codes

ERP Cloud

The Visualforce reporting templates that Certinia provide with Reporting all begin with the namespace prefix ffr__ (two underscore characters). Following the prefix is the template code.

Here is a description of what each element of the template code means.

Template Code

Template codes
Position Example Description
1-2 TF Indicates that this is a Certinia template.
3-4 IS

Indicates the type of report, such as:

BS=Balance Sheet; IS=Income Statement; GE=General

Template types beginning with F are for internal Certinia use.

5 1 Template version
6 1 Number of data ranges expected
7 1 Number of sum values expected
8 E Indicates whether value-based columns are Fixed (F) or Expandable (E).
9 E Indicates whether value-based rows are Fixed (F) or Expandable (E). Currently no rows are Fixed.
10 5 Indicates the number groupings with row-based automatic subtotals. Five indicates groupings 1-5 all have automatic subtotals.
11 R Indicates the sign format. N=Normal; R=Reversed; M=Mixed. You can edit this character on some reporting definition header details to quickly change the report behavior.
12 G Indicates whether grand-totaling is used on the report. G=Grand-Totaling; N=None.
13 N Not used
14 D Indicates that this is a Summary (S) or Detail (D) report.
15 A Used to differentiate between otherwise identical report template codes.
16 0 This zero character is optional, but can be used to remove decimal places on your report.