Reporting Templates API Reference

ERP Cloud

These are the available methods to create and modify reporting templates.

Common Methods

The following methods are available for both Summary and Detail reports:

Common methods
Name Arguments Return Type Description
AllowExpandCollapse   Boolean Returns true or false depending on whether the Allow Expand and Collapse checkbox in the Definition Options is selected or not.
CompanyLogo   String Returns the image name defined in the report definition, or an empty string.
CurrencySymbol   String Returns the currency symbol of the report if the Display Currency Symbol checkbox is selected. Otherwise, the currency symbol is not displayed.
DetailType   String Returns "DETAIL". Use it to check Data Range type. Create an outputpanel, rendered only if dataRange is Detail:
<apex:outputpanel rendered="{!dataRange.TypeName == DetailType}">
DisplayCompanyLogo   Boolean Returns true or false depending on whether the Logo Image field in Reporting Options is completed or not.
DisplayExpandCollapse   Boolean Returns true if the report is run in view mode and the Allow Expand and Collapse checkbox is selected. Otherwise, returns false.
HasDrillConfiguration   Boolean Returns true if drill configuration has been set up for the report. Otherwise, returns false.
HasMessages   Boolean Returns true or false, depending on whether an error or warning message has been generated during report execution or not.
IsViewMode   Boolean Returns true if the report is not exported or saved to PDF or Excel. Otherwise, returns false.
Label String key String Returns the Label defined in the report definition, given its key label. Get label keyed by "˜L80':
NumberFormatPattern   String Deprecated
PrintChatterFeed   Boolean Returns true or false depending on whether the Print Chatter Feed checkbox in Report Options is selected or not.
PromptList   List<Prompt> Returns the Prompts collection defined in the report definition.
RenderReportAs   String Returns "pdf" in case the report has been run using Print or Save as PDF, null otherwise.
ReportingData String key ReportingData Returns reporting data, given its template key. Get the reporting data keyed by "˜DR01':
<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData["˜DR01']}"/>
ReportingDataKeyList   List<String> Returns the template key collection for the data ranges. Loop through all data ranges defined in the report definition:
<apex:repeat value="{!reportingDataKeyList}" var="reportingDataKey">
<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData[reportingDataKey]}"/>
ReportingDataList   List <ReportingData> Returns reporting data list included in the report definition. Loop through all data ranges defined in the Report Definition:
<apex:repeat value="{!reportingDataList}" var="reportingData">
ReportingDataRangeLabels String key String Returns the reporting data label, given its template key: Get the data range label, keyed by "˜DR01':
<apex:variable var="dataRangeName" value="{!reportingDataRangeLabels["˜DR01']}"/>
ReportingDataRanges String key ReportingDataRange__c Returns a reporting data range , given its template key. Get the data range keyed by "˜DR01':
<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingDataRanges["˜DR01']}"/>
ReportingLog   ID Returns Reporting Log Id in case the report is run from an existing one. Otherwise returns null.
SaveReportAs   String Returns "pdf" or "xls", depending on the option chosen when saving the report.
SortLabelList   List<String> Returns the collection of Labels defined for the report definition, sorted by key label.
StaticResourceImages   String Returns default document folder containing images used in the report.
StyleSheetName   String Returns the CSS stylesheet name applied to the report. Depends on the way the report has been executed, and on View and Print Style Sheet field values.
SummaryType   String Returns "SUMMARY". Use it to check Data Range type.
<apex:outputpanel rendered="{!dataRange.TypeName == SummaryType}">
TypeDate   String Returns "DATE". Use it to check data types. Create a td with different style, depending on column data type:
<td class="{!IF(column.Type == TypeDate || column.Type == DataType.Datetime, 'dateStyle', 'otherTypesStyle')}">
TypeDatetime   String Returns "DATETIME". Use it to checkdata types. See example above.
TypeDouble   String Returns "DOUBLE". Use it to check data types. See example above.
TypeInteger   String Returns "INTEGER". Use it to check data types. See example above.
TypeString   String Returns "STRING". Use it to check data types. See example above.
TypeZero   String Returns "ZERO". Use it to check data types. See example above.


The following methods are prompt-specific. They are also common to both Summary and Detail reports. Before using these methods, you must obtain them using a PromptList call.

Prompt-specific methods
Name Arguments Return Type Description
Value   String Returns the value given to the Prompt by the user in the current report execution.
Label   String Returns the prompt's label.

Summary Reporting

The following methods are accessible after retrieving a ReportingData object either via ReportingDataList or ReportingData calls, and as long as the ReportingData is Summary type. One ReportingData object exists for each Data Range defined in the Report Definition.


If the Report Definition contains several Data Ranges with different types, you must check the ReportingData type before accessing the information stored in it, and wrap specific Summary Report calls to avoid runtime errors.

<apex:repeat value="{!reportingDataKeyList}" var="reportingDataKey">
	<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData[reportingDataKey]}"/>
	<apex:outputpanel rendered="{!dataRange.TypeName == SummaryType}">
		<!-- put specific Summary Reporting methods here -->
Summary reporting methods
Name Arguments Return Type Description
ColumnKeyList   String Returns the template key collection of all Columns specified in the data range.
ColumnLabelList   List<String> Returns Columns' labels collection. Loop through the columns' labels defined in the DataRange keyed by "˜DR01':
<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData["˜DR01']}"/>
<apex:repeat  value="{!dataRange.ColumnLabelList}" var="label">
ColumnLabels String key String Returns a column's label, given related column's template key. Get the Reporting Data keyed by "˜DR01', then retrieve column label keyed by "˜A':
<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData["˜DR01']}"/>
<apex:outputText value="{!dataRange.columnLabels["˜A']}"/>
CountLabelList   List<String> Returns count fields' labels collection. Loop through count fields' labels defined in the DataRange keyed by "˜DR01':
<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData["˜DR01']}"/>
<apex:repeat  value="{!dataRange.CountLabelList}" var="label">
CountLabels String key String Returns a count field's label, given count field's template key. Get the Reporting Data keyed by "˜DR01', then retrieve count field label keyed by "˜A':
<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData["˜DR01']}"/>
<apex:outputText value="{!dataRange.countLabels["˜A']}"/>
DrillUrl   String Returns the drill down URL for the column if drill configuration is setup.
GroupLabelList   List<String> Returns Groups' labels collection. Loop through the groups' labels defined in the DataRange keyed by "˜DR01':
<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData["˜DR01']}"/>
<apex:repeat  value="{!dataRange.GroupLabelList}" var="label">
GroupLabels String key String Returns a group's label, given group's template key. Get the Reporting Data keyed by "˜DR01', then retrieve group label keyed by "˜01':
<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData["˜DR01']}"/>
<apex:outputText value="{!dataRange.groupLabels["˜01']}"/>
GroupKeyList   List<String> Returns Groups' template key collection. Loop through groups defined in the DataRange keyed by "˜DR01' and accessing them using its template key:
<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData["˜DR01']}"/>
<apex:repeat  value="{!dataRange.GroupKeyList}" var="groupKey"/>
<apex:variable var="group" value="{!dataRange.Groups[groupKey]}"/>
RowKeyList   String Returns the template key collection of all Rows created in the Data Range.
RowList   List<Row> Returns Rows' collection defined in the Data Range. Loop through the rows defined in the DataRange keyed by "˜DR01':
<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData["˜DR01']}"/>
<apex:repeat  value="{!dataRange.RowList}" var="row">
Rows String key Row Returns a Row defined in the Data Range, given its template key. Get the Summary Reporting Data keyed by "˜DR01', then retrieve Row keyed by "˜01':
<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData["˜DR01']}"/>
<apex:variable var="row01" value="{!dataRange.Rows["˜01']}"/>
TypeName   String Returns Summary Reporting Data type.
ValueLabelList   List<String> Returns Values' labels collection.Loop through the values' labels defined in the DataRange keyed by "˜DR01':
<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData["˜DR01']}"/>
<apex:repeat  value="{!dataRange.ValueLabelList}" var="label">
ValueLabels String key String Returns a value's label, given value's template key. Get the Reporting Data keyed by "˜DR01', then retrieve value label keyed by "˜A':
<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData["˜DR01']}"/>
<apex:outputText value="{!dataRange.valueLabels["˜A']}"/>


A certain Data Range has as many Rows as defined for Row type Filter Mappings. Before using the following methods, you must obtain a Row using either Rows or RowList calls:

Row methods
Name Arguments Return Type Description
Key   String Returns a row's key.
Label   String Returns a row's label.
LineList   List<Line> Returns Lines' collection included in the Row. Given a variable referencing a Row keyed by "˜01', loop through its Lines:
<apex:variable var="row" value="{!reportingData["˜DR01'].Rows["˜01']}"/>
<apex:repeat  value="{!row.lineList}" var="line">
Lines String key Line Returns a Line given its relative position in the collection. Accepts any position from 0 to row.Count - 1.


A certain Row has a related list of Lines. Before using the following methods, you must obtain a Line using the LineList method which is usually looped to display all Row's Lines:

Line methods
Name Arguments Return Type Description
ColumnList   List<Column> Returns Columns' collection related to the Line.
Columns String key Column Returns a column, given column's template key. Given a variable referencing a Row keyed by "˜01', loop through its Lines and reference column A for each:
<apex:variable var="row" value="{!reportingData["˜DR01'].Rows["˜01'}"/>
<apex:repeat  value="{!row.lineList}" var="line">
<apex:variable  var="column" value="{!line.Columns["˜A']}" var="columnA">
GenericGroupList   List <GroupingDisplay> Returns GroupingDisplay objects' collection related to the Line.
GenericGroups String key GroupingDisplay Returns a GroupingDisplay object, given its template key.
GroupList     Deprecated
Groups     Deprecated


A Line has a related list of GroupingDisplay objects. This object allows grouping by any valid data type. Before using the following methods, you must obtain a GroupingDisplay object calling either GenericGroups or GenericGroupList. These methods replace Groups and GroupList methods from previous versions when creating new templates:

GroupingDisplay methods
Name Arguments Return Type Description
Type   String Returns SOAP Type of the value stored in the GroupingDisplay object.
Value   Object Returns the value stored by the GroupingDisplay object.


A Line has a related list of Columns. A certain Data Range creates as many Columns as defined for Column type Filter Mappings. Therefore, all Rows within a Data Range share the number of Columns and its type. The same applies to all Lines within those Rows. Before using the following methods, you must obtain a Column object calling either Columns or ColumnList methods from the Line parent object:

Column methods
Name Arguments Return Type Description
CountList   List<Integer> Returns count values' collection stored by the Column.
CountValues String key Integer Returns count value related to the Count Reporting Value keyed by the given key. See the Values method below for an example.
Key   String Returns Column's template key.
Label   String Returns Column's label.
ValueList   List<Decimal> Returns sum values' collection stored by the Column.
Values String key Decimal Returns sum value related to the Sum Reporting Value keyed by the given key. Display all sum values from all Data Ranges, Rows, Lines and Columns for a Report Definition:
<apex:repeat value="{!reportingDataKeyList}" var="reportingDataKey">
<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData[reportingDataKey]}"/>
<apex:repeat value="{!dataRange.rowList}" var="row" >
<apex:repeat value="{!row.lineList}" var="line" >
<apex:repeat value="{!line.columnList}" var="column">
<apex:repeat value="{!column.valueList}" var="value">
<c:Formatter value="{!value}" type="DOUBLE" numberPattern="{!VN}" zeroPattern="{!VZ}"/>

Detail Reporting

The following methods are accessible after retrieving a ReportingData object, either via ReportingDataList or ReportingData calls, and as long as the ReportingData is Detail type. One ReportingData object exists for each Data Range defined in the Report Definition.


If the Report Definition contains several Data Ranges with different types, ReportingData type should be checked before accessing the information stored in it, and specific Detail Report calls should be wrapped to avoid runtime errors.

<apex:repeat value="{!reportingDataKeyList}" var="reportingDataKey">
	<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData[reportingDataKey]}"/>
	<apex:outputpanel rendered="{!dataRange.TypeName == DetailType}">
		<!-- put specific Detail Reporting methods here -->
Detail reporting methods
Name Arguments Return type Description
Count   Integer Returns count of all Lines included in all Rows related to the Data Range.
ReportingValueKeyList   String Returns the template key collection of all Reporting Values specified in the Data Range.
ReportingValueList   List <ColumnAttribute> Returns the ColumnAttribute collection for the Data Range.
ReportingValues String key ColumnAttribute Returns a ColumnAttribute object, given its template key.
RowList   List<Row> Returns Rows' collection defined in the Data Range. Loop through the rows defined in the Data Range keyed by "˜DR01':
<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData["˜DR01']}"/>
<apex:repeat  value="{!dataRange.RowList}" var="row">
Rows String key Row Returns a Row defined in the Data Range, given its template key. Get the Detail Reporting Data keyed by "˜DR01', then retrieve Row keyed by "˜01':
<apex:variable var="dataRange" value="{!reportingData["˜DR01']}"/>
<apex:variable var="row01" value="{!dataRange.Rows["˜01']}"/>
RowsNumber   Integer Returns Data Range's Row count.
TypeName   String Returns Detail Reporting Data type.


A certain Data Range has as many Rows as defined for Row type Filter Mappings. Before using the following methods, you must obtain a Row using either Rows or RowList calls:

Row methods
Name Arguments Return Type Description
Count   Integer Returns Row's Lines count.
Key   String Returns Row's key.
Label   String Returns Row's label.
LineList   List<Line> Returns Lines' collection included in the Row. Given a variable referencing a Row keyed by "˜01', loop through its Lines:
<apex:variable var="row" value="{!reportingData["˜DR01'].Rows["˜01']}"/>
<apex:repeat  value="{!row.lineList}" var="line">
Lines String key Line Returns a Line given its relative position in the collection. Accepts any position from 0 to row.Count - 1.


A certain Row has a related list of Lines. Before using the following methods, you must obtain a Line using either Lines or LineList method. This is usually looped to display all Row's Lines:

Line methods
Name Arguments Return Type Description
Values String key Object Returns a value from the Line, given Reporting Value's template key.
ValuesList   List<Object> Returns Line's values collection.


A certain Data Range creates as many ColumnAttributes as defined for Reporting Reporting Values. Therefore, all Rows within a Data Range share the number of ColumnAttributes and their type. Before using the following methods, you must obtain a ColumnAttribute object calling either ReportingValues or ReportingValueList methods from the Data Range parent object:

ColumnAttributes methods
Name Arguments Return Type Description
Label   String Returns Reporting Value's label related to this ColumnAttribute object.
Key   String Returns Reporting Value's template key related to this ColumnAttribute object.
APIName   String Returns Reporting Value's API Name related to this ColumnAttribute object.
IsGroup   Boolean Returns true if related Reporting Value is Group type, false otherwise.
IsSum   Boolean Returns true if related Reporting Value is Sum type, false otherwise.
Type   String Returns SOAP type of the field referenced by Reporting Value's APIName.