Creating an Estimate from a Quote
You can associate a quote with an estimate by creating an estimate from a quote. You can also select a quote to associate with an estimate at the point of creation. For more information, see Creating an Estimate.
To create an estimate from a quote:
- From the quote line editor, click Create Estimate. The opportunity and quote fields are automatically populated.
- Enter a name for the new estimate.
- Select a start date.
- [Optional] Select the Primary checkbox if this estimate is the primary version for this opportunity.
- [Optional] Select an estimate to use as a template by searching for an estimate using one or more characters anywhere in the estimate name.
Select the Templates Only checkbox to display only estimate templates. The estimates that are listed are controlled by sharing settings. A maximum of 200 estimates are listed. Estimates without tasks or role requests are not listed. For more information about creating an estimate template, see Creating an Estimate Template.
- [Optional] Deselect the Include Skills / Certifications checkbox if you do not want role skill requests to be copied from the selected estimate. The checkbox is selected by default.
- Click Create.
- In the Details tab of the estimate, search for and select the product to use to create an opportunity product when pushing records independent of estimate products to opportunity. This field must be populated to enable pushing independent records to opportunity or creating a project from independent records. For more information, seeCreating a Project from an Estimate andSyncing an Estimate with a Quote.