Running Background Matching

The background matching process matches all available cash entries (cash receipts and cash refunds), sales invoices, sales credit notes, and billing document invoices and billing document credit notes that meet predefined conditions. These conditions are described in About Background Matching.

You can run background matching for either multiple or single companies. When you run background matching you can select the companies that are included, specify the matching date mode, and select the matching criteria.

You can also use the background matching scheduler to run background matching on regular basis. For more information, see Background Matching Scheduler.

If you select Cash Entry Date as the Matching Date Mode when running background matching, you cannot select Sales Invoice to Credit Note as the Document Matching Sequence.

To run background matching:

  1. Click the Background Matching link in the Accounts Receivable Multi-Company Processes section on the Accounting Task Launcher.
  2. Select the companies that you want to run matching for. Only companies that you are assigned to are available for selection.
  3. Select the date that you want to use for cash matching. You can select either Cash Entry Date or a custom date.
  4. Select your matching criteria. Note that the order of the selected documents in Document Matching Sequence will determine the order in which documents will be matched. See Background Matching Fields for details.
  5. Click Start Matching to proceed.
  • Matching cash entry to cash entry by Document Number is not currently supported. Select Customer Reference in First Match By to match Cash Entry to Cash Entry.
  • If you do not want to automatically match any outstanding balance, do not specify any secondary matching criteria in the Then Match Remaining By field.

When matching sales invoices to sales credit notes, the cash entry date is ignored and the credit note date is used as the matching date.

If you match a sales invoice to multiple cash entries, the date of the most recent cash entry is used as the matching date.

Cash entries, sales invoices and sales credit notes, billing document invoices and billing document credit notes that meet all the background matching conditions are automatically matched. Details of the process run are displayed and you can click the link to view the progress and process log messages. System administrators must assign the FDN AsyncApi - Process permission set to users that perform background matching, to enable them to view the Process Runs tab.

Background Matching supports matching Cash Entry receipt lines with multiple invoice references. When multiple invoice references are specified on the cash entry line Account Reference, the values are processed left to right during matching, so the left most record is matched first. Matching of Cash entry receipt lines with multiple invoice references is not supported when using the Background Matching Visualforce page, if the Matching from Cash Entry feature is not enabled.

For more information on Cash Entry Line Items see the Cash Entry Line Items topic

Empty process runs are created if there are no documents for background matching to match.

For more information, see Process Runs. You are also notified by email once the process has completed.

See Cash Matching Settings for details of the following custom settings:

  • Background Matching Batch Size
  • Background Matching Lines Threshold
  • Background Matching References Threshold.

If you are using the Background Matching Lightning page, or if you are using the Visualforce page having enabled the Matching from Cash Entry feature in the Feature Console, see Background Matching Settings for details of the following custom settings:

  • Matching Process Scope Size
  • Use Detailed Monitoring