Managing Cash Matching Account Groups

You can use the Cash Matching Account Group page to create, view, and customize cash matching account groups. Adding accounts to a cash matching account group enables you to perform cash matching within that group. For example, you can match cash entries of one account with transactions that belong to another account.

For more information about performing multi-account cash matching, see:

Creating Cash Matching Account Groups

To create a cash matching account group:

  1. Search for Cash Matching Account Groups in the App Launcher. The Cash Matching Account Groups page displays.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter the name and description for the cash matching account group. This name must be unique.
  4. Click Save to save this group or Save & New to save this group and create a new one.

Adding Accounts to Cash Matching Account Groups

A cash matching account group can contain up to 100 unique accounts. An account can belong to one cash matching account group only.

To add an account to a cash matching account group:

  1. Search for Cash Matching Account Groups in the App Launcher. The Cash Matching Account Groups page displays.
  2. Click the cash matching account group that you want to add an account to.
  3. Click the Related tab.
  4. Click New in the Cash Matching Account Group Line Items related list. The New Cash Matching Account Group Line Item window displays.
  5. From the Cash Matching Account field, select the account that you want to add to this group. If the account that you want to add already belongs to a different group, you must remove it from that group first.
  6. Click Save to save this group or Save & New to save this group and add another account.

Editing Cash Matching Account Groups

To edit a cash matching account group:

  1. Search for Cash Matching Account Groups in the App Launcher. The Cash Matching Account Groups page displays.
  2. Click the cash matching account group that you want to edit.
  3. Edit the information you want.
  4. Click Save to save this group or Save & New to save this group and create a new one.

You can also edit cash matching account groups from the list view. To do this, click next to the group that you want to edit, and click Edit in the drop-down list.

Deleting Cash Matching Account Groups

To delete a cash matching account group, you must delete its cash matching account group line items first.

To delete a cash matching account group:

  1. Search for Cash Matching Account Groups in the App Launcher. The Cash Matching Account Groups page displays.
  2. Click the cash matching account group that you want to delete.
  3. On the cash matching account group detail page, click the Related tab.
  4. Delete any cash matching account group line items belonging to this cash matching account group from the Cash Matching Account Group Line Items related list. To do this, click next to the account that you want to delete, and click Delete in the drop-down list.
  5. When the Cash Matching Account Group Line Items related list is empty, click Delete. The Delete Cash Matching Account Group window displays.
  6. Click Delete.

You can delete an empty cash matching account group from the list view. To do this, click next to the group that you want to delete and click Delete in the drop-down list. Then click Delete.

Cloning Cash Matching Account Groups

To clone a cash matching account group:

  1. Search for Cash Matching Account Groups in the App Launcher. The Cash Matching Account Groups page displays.
  2. Click the cash matching account group that you want to clone.
  3. Click Clone.
  4. Enter a name for the new cash matching account group. This name must be unique.
  5. Click Save to clone this group or Save & New to clone this group and create a new one.