Convert to Credit Note Overview

ERP Cloud

If you need to roll back a "Complete" billing document of type Invoice, you can do this using the Convert to Credit Note feature. This creates a new billing document of type Credit Note to match the invoice.

Depending on how your org is configured, the Convert to Credit Note feature creates credit notes with the status of either "Complete" or "Ready for Review".

  • When credit notes are created as "Complete" you cannot perform any further actions on them. You cannot delete or discard them, and you cannot calculate tax, or commit their tax value using Avalara AvaTax.
  • When credit notes are created as "Ready for Review" most fields are read-only but you can perform some actions on the documents. You can delete or discard them, calculate tax, and commit their tax value using Avalara AvaTax. If your business requires credit notes to be approved, you can configure a Salesforce approval process to route "Ready for Review" credit notes for approval. You can mark a "Ready for Review" credit note as complete when you are satisfied that it meets your business requirements.

Whether the Convert to Credit Note process creates credit notes with the status "Complete" or "Ready for Review" is determined by the Convert to Credit Note Allows Review field in the Billing Central Settings custom setting. When this field is enabled, the Convert to Credit Note process always creates credit notes with the status "Ready for Review". When this field is disabled, the process always creates credit notes with the status "Complete". You cannot choose the status at runtime.

In previous versions of Billing Central the Convert to Credit Note feature always created credit notes with the status "Complete". If you want credit notes to be created with the status "Ready for Review", see Enable Convert to Credit Note For Review for information about using Feature Console to perform the necessary setup.

Another feature in Feature Console allows you to exclude values in custom fields from being copied to the credit note. Using the Exclude Fields on Convert to Credit Note feature, simply add the custom fields to the list of fields to be excluded. For more information, see Exclude Fields on Convert to Credit Note.


You cannot manually assign the "Ready for Review" status to billing documents. It is only assigned to credit notes created by the Convert to Credit Note process.

If you delete or discard a credit note that was created by the Convert to Credit Note process, the Related Document link from the invoice to the credit note is cleared meaning that you can convert the invoice to credit note again if necessary. A discarded credit note retains its Related Document link to the invoice for audit purposes.

Allow Rebilling

When you convert a billing document to a credit note, if you select the Allow Converted Invoice to be Rebilled checkbox Billing Central records that on the credit note by selecting the Allow Rebilling checkbox.

When the credit note is completed, the Billing Document Line Item field on billing schedules and on any usage records that were linked to the invoice is cleared so that those billing schedules and usage records become available to be billed again.

Routing a Ready for Review Credit Note for Approval

If your business requires credit notes to be approved, you can configure a Salesforce approval process for "Ready for Review" credit notes. You must add the standard Submit for Approval button to the Billing Document page layout so that you can manually submit a "Ready for Review" credit note for approval.

A simple approval process might be:

If a "Ready for Review" credit note is edited, it is not automatically resubmitted for approval. You must click the Submit for Approval button again to send the credit note back into the approval process.

For more information about setting up an approval process, refer to the Salesforce documentation.


Salesforce locks records that are pending approval. Only administrators can edit locked records.