Enable Convert to Credit Note For Review

ERP Cloud

This Feature Console page allows you to configure the Convert to Credit Note process to create credit notes with the status "Ready for Review" instead of "Complete". This means that you have the opportunity to route credit notes for approval or to commit their tax values to Avalara AvaTax before completion. For more information about the Convert to Credit Note process, see Convert to Credit Note Overview.

To enable this feature:

  1. On feature step 1, upgrading customers must click Perform to add the "Ready for Review" picklist value to the Document Status field on the Billing Document object. For new installations, this picklist value already exists in your org so you can skip this step.
  2. On feature step 2, both new and upgrading customers must click Perform to select the Convert to Credit Note Allows Review field in the Billing Central Settings custom setting. Alternatively, you can select this field by editing the custom setting directly.

Each step's Status changes from "Not Done" to "Done" when it is complete.

When you have completed all the steps, use the Status slider in the Feature section to mark the feature as enabled.