Serial Numbers Home

If your organization tracks inventory items by serial numbers, you can do so on the Serial Numbers tab. Each serial number has a lookup to the item to which it relates. You can use serial numbers to:

  • track acquisition information relating to an item.
  • record shipping information for an item.
  • record whether you made any profit for an individual item when that particular item is sold.
  • record returns and inspection information for an individual item. For instance, if a customer returns an item and wants a refund, you may want to record inspection information for that item.

When creating a receipt for an item that is subject to serial number tracking, Order and Inventory Management prompts for a serial number for each incoming item.

You can also assign serial numbers from a production order.


The recommended maximum character length for a serial number in Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic is 15. If this maximum is exceeded the serial numbers may not display correctly.