Releasing Single Billing Events When Billing Is Capped

Professional Services CloudNew

When a billing cap is applied to a project and the project's Auto-Cap Billing checkbox is selected, you cannot release billing events that exceed the project's bookings unless you are releasing a single billing event via the Release quick action. In this case, PSA can automatically split the billing event and release billing event items that together do not exceed the project’s bookings. The unreleased items are saved to a new billing event.

For example, the project's bookings might be 10000 but only 300 remains because of previously released billing events. If you release a billing event that has three items for 100, 150 and 140, PSA can automatically split the billing event to release the first two items. The unreleased item is moved to a new billing event and the amount remaining in the bookings becomes 50. If none of the items has a value less than 300, the billing event cannot be released.


The Release quick action is included on the Billing Event Lightning Page. If a different billing event Lightning page is assigned to you, ask your administrator to add the Release quick action to the page layout used by the Lightning page.

If the Disable Billing Closer to Cap field is selected in the Billing Settings custom setting, PSA cannot automatically split billing events.

When releasing a single billing event:

  1. In Lightning, navigate to the billing event.
  2. Click the Release quick action. If the billing event can be split, the Release Billing Event window displays a warning message explaining what will happen.
  3. Click Split and Release to proceed. PSA works through the billing event items sequentially (starting from the first one created) and releases as many as possible without exceeding the project’s bookings. Any unreleased items are saved to a new billing event.
  4. [Optional] Navigate to the new billing event containing the unreleased items by clicking the link in the message that is displayed when the Release Billing Event window closes.

If a billing event needs to be released via batch processing, PSA will not split it even if some of its items have values less than the amount remaining in the bookings. An error message will explain that the billing event cannot be released because it contains too many items to be split.

For information about how to apply a billing cap to a project, see Tracking Projects Against a Billing Cap.