Configuring Expense Reports to Approve for the PSA Mobile Application

You can view expense report approval requests according to the approval process defined in your system. You can be a primary approver or a delegated approver. For more information on setting up the approval process, see Salesforce Help.

You can assign the PSA - Approve Expense Reports permission set to the user who does not already have permission to approve, reject, or reassign expense report approval requests.

List Views

The Expense Reports to Approve tab has two navigation tabs - Primary Expense Report Approval Requests and Delegated Expense Report Approval Requests, and allows users to view a list that only contains the expense report approval requests they need to approve, reject, or reassign.

You can also customize the fields visible in the list view and the detail view for every expense report approval request using the field sets in the List View Field Set API Name and Detail View Field Set API Name LAB properties, respectively, for your users in the PSA Mass Approval Mobile component of your cloned Expense Reports to Approve app page. For more information on customizing the application, see Customizing the PSA Mobile Application.

Allowing Reassign

To allow a user to reassign expense reports to another user for approval, you need to select the Allow Reassign checkbox in the PSA Mass Approval Mobile component. If selected, the Reassign button is visible in the button bar with the Approve and Reject buttons.

Note: To make changes in the Lightning App Builder properties, you can clone the Expense Reports to Approve app page and add to the PSA Mobile application. Cloning the app page allows you to change the LAB properties. You can reorder your added tabs on the homepage of the application. Default tabs still can’t be reordered. For more information, see Customizing the PSA Mobile Application