Defining the Time Span

You can define the time span over which to view assignments and held resource requestsClosed A resource request with a status of “held” and a schedule. The Resource field is populated. on the timelineClosed A feature of the Resource and Project Planners. Offers a visual overview – in days, weeks, months or quarters – of assignment duration and scheduled hours, as well as total hours rolled up to the parent resource or project..

To define the time span:

  1. Select new start or end dates from the View Range calendars.
  2. Click Apply Range and Reload. The timeline updates to display all overlapping assignments and held resource requests.

Only assignments and held resource requests that overlap with the time span you define are displayed. For example, if an assignment of 6 months' duration ended 28 days ago, and the end date falls after the start date of your defined time span, the entire assignment duration would be visible on the timeline.