Dragging Assignments or Resource Requests
You can drag single or multiple assignments or held resource requests in the Timeline to move start and end time.
Dragging an Assignment or Resource Request
Total hours are held constant when dragging assignments or held resource requests. Zero-hour assignments cannot be dragged.
When Restrict Editing Past Dates is selected, you cannot drag assignments or resource requests:
- If the start date is already in the past.
- Prior to the current date.
To drag an assignment or resource request:
- Click and hold the assignment or held resource request bar.
- Move the assignment or resource request to the left or right.
- Release your pointer button.
- Save.
Dragging Assignments or Resource Requests
When your administrator has enabled this behavior, you can drag multiple assignments in the Project Planner by dragging the assignment summary bar. See Allow Mass Move Assignments.
To drag assignments or resource requests:
- Expand the view and verify all assignments or held resource requests are visible in the Timeline.
- Click and hold the project summary bar.
- Move the project summary bar to the left or right.
- Release your pointer button.
- Save.