Resourcing Lightning Component Properties

This table lists the fields available in the Properties panel of the Lightning App Builder for the PSA Resourcing component.

PSA Resourcing Component Properties in the Lightning App Builder
Field Description Default Value
Default View

The view that you want to open when you access the page.

You can switch between different views:

  • Allocation
  • Scheduler
  • Attributes

For more information, see Resourcing Lightning Component Overview.

Component Height The component height in pixels. You can enter a value from 100 to 10,000. 400
Attributes Column Field Set

The field set containing the custom columns to display in the PSA Resourcing Lightning component. --None-- selects a default set of fields.

This setting enables you to determine different columns for each instance of the PSA Resourcing Lightning component, for example, when using the component on multiple pages, or when using multiple instances of the component on the same page. You can determine the columns to suit your organization including adjusting their positions.

You can select an existing field set to control the columns you want to display in the Resource list. For example, the Assign Multiple Resources to Project Search Columns, which contains five fields by default.

Alternatively, you can select any Contact field set to control the columns displayed. For more information, see Contact Field Sets. Column width adjustments are maintained during Resource list user sessions, and also when you filter resources in the Resource Filter and click Reset, Clear, or Apply.


Column width adjustments are not maintained between PSA user sessions or when you reload the Resource Request Lightning page.

Compare Resources Contact Field Set

The field set that controls the contact fields displayed in the Compare Resources window. For more information, see Contact Field Sets.


We recommend that you do not add any Salesforce fields to the field set where their value is automatically generated. For example, Created By, or Created Date.

Default Scheduling Strategy The default scheduling strategy to display in the Scheduling Strategy field when you select a resource and click Manage Schedule. For more information, see Scheduling Strategies Overview and Managing Resource Requests. Calculate End Date, Level Schedule
Availability Display Format The format to display resource availability. For more information, see PSA Resourcing Lightning Component Fields. Percentage
Show Margin Column If selected, the Margin column is displayed in the Attributes view, and shows the resource's margin, if available. Deselected
Display Schedule Options Window If selected, the Schedule Options window is displayed when holding or assigning a resource on resource requests that have a preferred schedule. Deselected
Date Padding

The number of months to display before and after the current resource request, to show all data within those dates. Valid values are 0 if you do not want padding, and between 1 to 24 if you want to use padding.

For example, when using the default value of 1, if the filter dates are June 1, 2021 to September 1, 2021, any resource requests and assignments that overlap with May 1, 2021 to October 1, 2021 are displayed.

Hover Details Field Set for Assignments

The field set containing the custom fields that are displayed when hovering over an assignment. For information on the field sets available, see Assignment Field Sets. For information on creating and editing field sets, see the Salesforce Help.

If --None-- is selected or a selected field set does not contain any valid fields, a default set of fields is displayed: Start Date, End Date, Project, Scheduled Hours.

Hover Details Field Set for Resource Requests

The field set containing the custom fields that are displayed when hovering over a resource request. For information on the field sets available, see Resource Request Field Sets. For more information on creating and editing field sets, see the Salesforce Help.

If --None-- is selected or a selected field set does not contain any valid fields, a default set of fields is displayed: Start Date, End Date, Project, Requested Hours.


Resource Details Panel Properties

This table lists the fields available within the Resource Details panel in the Properties panel of the Lightning App Builder for the PSA Resourcing Lightning component.

Field Description Default Value
Resource Details Custom Fields Field Set

The field set containing custom fields that are displayed in the Resource Details panel. For more information, see Contact Field Sets. For more information on creating and editing field sets, see the Salesforce Help.

--None-- displays no custom fields. The Resource Details panel displays Region, Practice, and Group by default.

Show Logged Hours If selected, logged hours are displayed in the Resource Schedule section of the Resource Details panel. Deselected
Show Resource Requests If selected, resource requests are displayed in the Resource Schedule section of the Resource Details panel. Selected
Show Scheduled Time in Hours If selected, a resource's scheduled time is displayed in hours in the Resource Schedule section of the Resource Details panel. Deselected
Show View Experience Button If selected, the Experience button is displayed in the Requested Skills section of the Resource Details panel. Selected

Filters Panel Properties

This table lists the fields available within the Filters panel in the Properties panel of the Lightning App Builder for the PSA Resourcing Lightning component.

Key: * – Mandatory field



Description Default Value
Custom Filters Field Set   The field set containing the custom fields that are displayed in the filter. If you don't select a field set, only the default fields are displayed. None
Distance Unit   The unit of distance. Kilometers(km)
Enable Match Settings   Allows you to change the values in the Match Settings. Selected
Group Filter Behavior   The default value for the Group field. If "Value from record" is selected, the group from the resource request record is used as the default value. Value from record
Include Recommended Resources Default   If selected, the Include Recommended Resources field defaults to True. Deselected
Maximum Distance   The maximum limit of the distance between the location of the resource and the resource request site. 0
Minimum Availability Default Value (%)   The default value for the Minimum Availability (%) field.  
Practice Filter Behavior   The default value for the Practice field.  
Region Filter Behavior   The default value for the Region field. If "Value from record" is selected, the region from the resource request record is used as the default value.  
Role Filter Behavior   The default value for the Resource Role field. If "Value from record" is selected, the resource role from the resource request record is used as the default value. Value from record
Show Distance Filter   If selected, the location based resourcing is enabled and the Maximum Distance and Distance Unit fields are visible in the Filters panel. Deselected
Show Group Filter   If selected, the Group field is displayed. Selected
Show Minimum Availability Filter   If selected, the Minimum Availability (%) field is displayed. Selected
Show Practice Filter   If selected, the Practice field is displayed. Selected
Show Region Filter   If selected, the Region field is displayed. Selected
Show Resource Filter   If selected, the Resource field is displayed. Selected
Show Role Filter   If selected, the Resource Role field is displayed. Selected
Show Settings   If selected, the Settings menu is displayed. Selected
Show Skills Filter   If selected, the Skills filter section is displayed. Selected