Resource Filter Lightning Component Properties

This table lists the fields available in the Properties panel of the Lightning App Builder for the PSA Resource Filter Lightning component.

* – Mandatory field



Description Default Value
Custom Filters Field Set   The field set containing the custom fields that are displayed in the filter. If you don't select a field set, only the default fields are displayed. None
Maximum Distance   The maximum limit of the distance between the location of the resource and the resource request site. 0
Distance Unit * The unit of distance. Kilometers(km)
Group Filter Behavior   The default value for the Group field. If "Value from record" is selected, the group from the resource request record is used as the default value. Value from record
Include Recommended Resources Default   If selected, the Include Recommended Resources field defaults to True. Deselected
DEPRECATED: Include Sub-Regions by Default   If selected, the Include Sub-Regions field defaults to True. Selected
Minimum Availability Default Value (%)   The default value for the Minimum Availability (%) field.  
Region Filter Behavior   The default value for the Region field. If "Value from record" is selected, the region from the resource request record is used as the default value.  
Role Filter Behavior   The default value for the Resource Role field. If "Value from record" is selected, the resource role from the resource request record is used as the default value. Value from record
Show Distance Filter   If selected, the location based resourcing is enabled and the Maximum Distance and Distance Unit fields are visible in the Resource Filter component. Selected
Show Group Filter   If selected, the Group field is displayed. Selected
Show Minimum Availability Filter   If selected, the Minimum Availability (%) field is displayed. Selected
Show Region Filter   If selected, the Region field is displayed. Selected
Show Resource Filter   If selected, the Resource field is displayed. Selected
Show Role Filter   If selected, the Resource Role field is displayed. Selected
Show Settings   If selected, the Settings menu is displayed. Selected
Show Skills Filter   If selected, the Skills filter section is displayed. Selected