PSA Backlog Dashboard

The PSA Backlog dashboard enables you to:

  • View key performance indicators (KPIs) for your backlog and your unscheduled backlog.
  • View your backlog and unscheduled backlog data, including additional information, such as the project status, project bookings value, project billable hours, and unscheduled revenue.

This dashboard is created as part of the PS Cloud Advanced Analytics app and displays data from the Backlog dataset. For more details of the fields used by the PSA Backlog dashboard, see Backlog Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields.

PSA Backlog Dashboard Guide

By default, the PSA Backlog dashboard displays data for the current fiscal quarter and only includes scheduled backlog amounts.

PSA Backlog dashboard schematic highlighting the key elements of the dashboard.

PSA Backlog Dashboard Elements

Element Number




Referenced Calculation

Source Dataset

1. View By Picker for Backlog By RPG Bar Chart

Defines the data displayed in the Backlog By RPG bar chart.

Backlog Amount grouped by Project Region Level 00 and Region Level 01 and stacked by Backlog Type. Data displayed responds to selections. Displays data by region. Backlog Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields
Backlog Amount grouped by Project Practice Level 00 and Practice Level 01 and stacked by Backlog Type. Data displayed responds to selections. Displays data by practice.
Backlog Amount grouped by Project Group Level 00 and Group Level 01 and stacked by Backlog Type. Data displayed responds to selections. Displays data by group.
2. Backlog By RPG Bar Chart Displays the total backlog amount for the value selected in the view by picker (1). Backlog Amount filtered by Time Period Type = Week or Month, Has Project = Yes, and Time Period Start Date = This fiscal quarter. Data displayed responds to selections. None
3. Backlog KPI Total backlog amount. Backlog Amount filtered by Time Period Type = Week or Month, Has Project = Yes, and Time Period Start Date = This fiscal quarter. Data displayed responds to selections. None
4. Backlog Time Period Stacked Chart Displays the total backlog amount on project status by month.

Backlog Amount grouped by Time Period Start Date (Year-Month) and stacked by Project Status.

Filtered by Time Period Type = Week or Month, Has Project = Yes, and Time Period Start Date = This fiscal quarter. Data displayed responds to selections.

5. View By Picker for Backlog By Account or Project Bar Chart

Defines the data displayed in the Backlog By account or project bar chart.

Tip: Use this functionality to have a more detailed view of your backlog data.
For example, you can click Account to show the account names the current projects belong to in the summary chart.
Account Displays data by account.
Project Displays data by project.
6. Backlog By Account or Project Bar Chart Displays the total backlog amount for the value selected in the view by picker (5). Backlog Amount grouped by Account Name or Project Name and filtered by Time Period Type = Week or Month, Has Project = Yes, and Time Period Start Date = This fiscal quarter. Data displayed responds to selections. None
7. View By Picker for Backlog By Opportunity, Project Manager, Stage, or Type Bar Chart Defines the data displayed in the Backlog By opportunity, project manager, stage, or type bar chart. Opportunity Displays data by opportunity.
Project Manager Displays data by project manager.
Stage Displays data by stage.
Type Displays data by type.
8. Backlog By Opportunity, Project Manager, Stage, or Type Bar Chart Displays the total backlog amount for the value selected in the view by picker (8).

Backlog Amount grouped by Opportunity, Project Name, Project Manager, Stage, or Type and filtered by Time Period Type = Week or Month, Has Project = Yes, and Time Period Start Date = This fiscal quarter. Data displayed responds to selections.

9. Account Details list Details the backlogs amounts for all accounts. Data can be organized by account name, type, or stage. Backlog Amount grouped by Account Name,

Stage, or Type and filtered by Time Period Type = Week or Month, Has Project = Yes, and Time Period Start Date = This fiscal quarter. Data displayed responds to selections.


For more information about dashboard functionality, see Using the Dashboards Charts.