Backlog PSA Input Fields

The input fields are the foundation of every dataset in PS Cloud Analytics. These fields are imported from your org environment by the dataflow when you create the Analytics app, the data is then processed to populate your apps' datasets.

Base Object

This flow uses Backlog Details Converted and Backlog Calculation as the base objects to retrieve PSA field information. It also uses this object to look up to other PSA objects to complement the data necessary to generate the Backlog Dataset.

Backlog Calculation

These are the main fields retrieved from the Backlog Calculation object in PSA.



Error Details These fields are imported directly from your PSA environment. For more information about these fields, see Backlog Calculation Detail Fields.

Backlog Details Converted

These are the main fields retrieved from the Backlog Details Converted object in PSA.



Backlog Detail Converted ID These fields are imported directly from your PSA environment. For more information about these fields, see the Backlog Detail Converted Fields in the PSA Help.
External Time Cost
Held Resource Request Hours
Held Resource Request External Cost
Held Resource Request Internal Cost

Held Resource Request Revenue

Internal Time Cost
Scheduled Days
Scheduled Hours
Unheld Resource Request Cost
Unheld Resource Request Hours
Unheld Resource Request Revenue
Backlog Detail ID We use this field to look up the corresponding PSA object for the following fields Backlog Detail
Time Period ID

We use this field to look up the corresponding PSA object for the following fields Time Period

Project ID We use this field to look up the corresponding PSA object for the following fields Project

Augmented Fields

The augment fields complement the data imported from the base objects allowing you to have a deeper visualization of your data.

Note: These fields are imported directly from your PSA environment. For more information about these fields, see the PSA field reference guide for their corresponding PSA object.

Key: → — Lookup path between objects

For more information about the calculated fields, see Backlog Flow Intermediate Processing.

PSA Object

Lookup Path



Time Period N/A Time Period Name  
Time Period Type  
Time Period Start Date  
Time Period End Date  
Backlog Detail N/A Region ID  
Region ID Chain  
Region Name  
Region Name Level XX *
Practice ID  
Practice ID Chain  
Practice Name  
Practice Name Level XX *
Group ID  
Group ID Chain  
Group Name  
Group Name Level XX *
Backlog Calculation ID  
→ Backlog Calculation Backlog Calculation Name  
Region ID  
Practice ID  
Group ID  
Include Sublevels  
Is Report Master  
Time Period Types  
→ Backlog Calculation → Region Region ID Chain  
Region Name  
Region Name Level XX *
→ Backlog Calculation → Practice Practice ID Chain  
Practice Name  
Practice Name Level XX *
→ Backlog Calculation → Group Group ID Chain  
Group Name  
Group Name Level XX *
Project N/A Time Period Start Date  
Time Period End Date  
Group ID Chain  
Practice ID Chain  
Region ID Chain  
Closed for Expense Entry  
Closed for Time Entry  
Allow Expenses Without Assignment  
Allow Timecards Without Assignment  
Allow Self-Staffing  
Financial Status  
Schedule Status  
Scope Status  
Pre-Bill Type  
Is Template  
Time Period Name  
Time Period Type  
Non-Billable Hours (External)  
Non-Billable Hours (Internal)  
Credited Hours  
Excluded Hours  
Expense Budget  
Expense Costs  
External Costs  
Internal Costs  
Internal Time Cost  
Master Project  
Other Costs  
Parent Project  
Pass-through Billings  
Project Phase  
Tasks Total Percent Complete (Points)  
Tasks Total Points  
Tasks Total Points Complete  
Time Credited  
Time Excluded  
Total Assigned Hours  
Total Costs  
Total Number of Tasks  
Total Submitted Hours  
Unscheduled Backlog  
Percent Hours Complete  
Scheduled Hours Remaining  
Recognition Method  
Backlog: Last Update Date  
→ Project → Account Name  
Account Type  
Billing Country  
Annual Revenue  