Adding the PSA Project Scheduling Risk Dashboard Button to PSA Project Overview

You can add a button to the Scheduling Variance card on the PSA Project Overview dashboard, which enables you to view the PSA Project Scheduling Risk dashboard.

To perform these steps, ensure that you:

  • Have the Business Analytics package installed
  • Have a PS Cloud Advanced Analytics app
  • Have the Analytics Platform Admin permission set
  • Are using the Analytics Studio app (not the Analytics app)

To add the button to the Scheduling Variance card:

  1. From the PSA Project Overview dashboard, click Edit to open the dashboard in edit mode.
  2. Drag and drop Link below the chart on the Scheduling Variance card.
  3. Ensuring the link you have just added is still selected, in the Text field on the Widgets panel, enter View Project Scheduling Risk Dashboard.
  4. In the Link To field, select Saved Dashboard.
  5. In the Destination field, select PSA Project Scheduling Risk
  6. Select Specify Page.
  7. In the Specify Page field, select Last 13 Weeks.
  8. Select Apply Selections and Filters.
  9. Open the Text Style drop down menu.
  10. In the Size field, select 12.
  11. Click Save.

For more information about dashboards in PS Cloud Analytics, see Using PS Cloud Analytics.

See the Salesforce Help for general information about using dashboards in Analytics.