Adding Estimate Phases to an Estimate

Professional Services Cloud

You can add a phase to an estimate in the Hours Breakdown view of the Estimate Builder. This enables you to select which phase a week of an estimate belongs to. For more information about creating the estimate phase types that are available for selection, see Creating Estimate Phase Types.

  • Your administrator can prevent estimate phases from displaying in the Estimate Builder. For more information, see Services CPQ Settings.
  • The Estimate Phase object does not map to the Project Phase object when creating an estimate from a project.

To add a phase to an estimate, in the Builder tab:

  1. Select Hours Breakdown from the view switcher drop-down.
  2. In the Estimate Phase row at the top of the Estimate Builder, double-click the cell in the column of the date you want to add a phase to.
  3. Select the phase from the drop-down.
  4. Click Save.

You can copy and paste phases by clicking and dragging the phase in one or more cells using the fill handle. When selecting more than one cell, the pattern of the selected cells is retained in the destination cells.