Using the Hours Breakdown

Professional Services Cloud

You can specify the hours for each role request per week using the Hours Breakdown view.

Work Calendars

You can choose whether the Hours Breakdown view should take account of work calendars. To do this:

  1. On an estimate record, click the Details tab.
  2. Select the Use Work Calendars for Scheduling field if you want work calendars to be respected. Deselect it if you don't.
  3. Click Save.
  • If you change the value of this field, the Builder will refresh to update the icons displayed.
  • If role requests already exist on the estimate and you change the value of this field, you must perform an action which will initiate the respread of the role requests' hours according to the new value. For example, changing the hours or dates of a role request. You can then revert these changes if necessary.
  • If the region, practice, or group of a role request is changed, the associated work calendar is automatically updated and the hours are respread according to the new work calendar.

Recalculating Hours

Using the Recalculate Hours button on the Hours Breakdown, you can recalculate your role requests' hours according to their associated work calendars. If no work calendar is associated, then the default spread of hours is reinstated, based on the start and end date, total hours, and the default work calendar in your org. This action discards any adjustments made to the hours breakdown.

For more information about the default spread of hours, see Hours Breakdown Overview.

You can undo the hours recalculation by clicking Undo, and reapply it by clicking Redo. The hours recalculation can also be applied or undone while the hours breakdown has unsaved changes.

Editing a Role Request's Weekly Hours

To edit the number of hours for a role request per week:

  1. On an estimate record, click the Builder tab.
  2. Select Hours Breakdown from the view switcher drop-down.
  3. Navigate to the relevant date. The weeks are represented by the date of the Monday.
  4. Double-click the value you want to change.
  5. Type the new value and press Enter.

    If you remove or add hours at either end of the role request, the start and end dates update to reflect the new hours. For example, if you enter 0 hours for the last week of the role request, the end date changes to the Sunday of the following week. Similarly, if you enter hours for the week before the start date, the start date changes to the Monday of that week.

  6. [Optional] Repeat steps 2-4 to update other values.
  7. Click Save. Schedule and schedule exception records are created and linked to the role request. If any already exist, they're updated.

You can copy, cut, and paste role requests in the Hours Breakdown view of the Estimate Builder in the following ways:

  • Right-click the role request, then click Copy Rows, Cut Rows, or Paste Rows.
  • Click and drag the hours in one or more cells using the fill handle. When selecting more than one cell, the pattern of the selected cells is retained in the destination cells.
  • Keyboard shortcuts are available to copy, cut, and paste. For more information, see Estimate Builder Keyboard Shortcuts.