Aged Analysis Selection Fields

ERP Cloud

Here is a description of the custom aged analysis selection fields.

Key: * – Mandatory field

Field   Description
Aged Analysis Name * Name of the aged analysis definition that you want to use to format the report.
Aged Analysis Currency   Currency in which all values on the resulting report will be displayed. The default is taken from that defined on the selected aged analysis definition, or "Home" if undefined.

Transaction Filter

The default general ledger account and account currency are those defined on the selected aged analysis definition, or All if undefined.

Field Description
General Ledger Account If set to All, no filtering by general ledger account is performed. If a single general ledger account is selected, then only accounts with that general ledger account are listed. This field supports corporate and local GLAs.
Account Currency If set to All, no filtering by currency is performed. If an active currencyClosed is selected, only accounts with that account currency are listed. Must be an accounting currencyClosed owned by the current companyClosed.

Account Selection

If you select All in the General Ledger Account field, all accounts are displayed. If you select a GLA in the General Ledger Account field, all the accounts that use this GLA and have any associated documents are displayed on the Available list for selection.

Field Description
Available List of accounts available for selection. An account must pass both filters to be listed.
Selected List of accounts that you want to include on the resulting aged analysis report. Make sure that you have selected no more than 100 accounts before you run the report.

Use the Add and Remove buttons to move accounts between these lists.


Button Description
Select Currency Helps you select an appropriate currency. Click Apply to confirm your selection or Cancel to abort.
Run Report Generates and displays an aged analysis report based on the specified criteria.