Entering Budget Data

ERP Cloud

If you want to track the variance of your actual period balances from budget, you must enter your budget data into your live balance object. Which object this is depends on which live balance type mode is in force:

  • In Mode 1, add them to your Budgets and Balances object (manual, data loader or Datastream).
  • In Mode 2, add them to your Reporting Balances object (manual, data loader or Datastream).

See Types of Balance Record for more details. If you add your budgets to the secondary balances, you will lose your budgets when you run a full synchronization.


You cannot change the elementsClosed specified in the Accounting Code section after they have been saved. If you need to change these elements later, you must delete the balance instance and start again.

You can use Datastream to create or update the data held in a balance instance. For more information, see Datastream Overview.


If you using a tool such as the Import Custom Objects tool to load large volumes of budget data in Mode 1, you should temporarily disable the validation of the actual period balance fields. See Balance Settings.