About Reporting Balances
Reporting balances are one of two types of balance record used in Accounting. See Types of Balance Record for more information. |
The Reporting Balances object is a balance record specifically created for use by the Reporting application and third-party reporting tools.
Depending on how your organization (org) is configured, reporting balances can be live balances, or secondary balances. If you want to maintain secondary (non-live) balances, you must keep them synchronized, either manually or by scheduled batch job.
If you delete a live reporting balance record, the corresponding budget and balance record is automatically updated to match.
There are three types of reporting balance record:
Key: B – Budget and Balance; T – Transaction Line Item
Type | Grouped/aggregated by: | |
Actual | B |
Selected intersect definitions. Balance records of type Actual are read-only. See What is an Accounting Code? for more information. |
Budget | B | |
Cash Flow Exceptions | T | Company, Period, GLA and the three cash flow analysis fields. See Setting up a Statement of Cash Flows for more information. |
The create or update process transforms all periods, including 000, 100 and 101. During the transformation, periods become numeric values in the Reporting Balance object.
Check that all reportable companies in your organization have at least one intersect definition with its Update Secondary Balances checkbox selected. Remember to run a Balance Update Full Synchronization immediately after any change to these checkboxes. This is to recreate all reporting balances with the new intersect definition detail.
The intersect definition that was used when synchronizing reporting balances is referenced on the reporting balance record. This will enable you to filter your Reporting reports and action views for specific intersect definitions. This will reduce the number of records that are queried and help avoid volume issues.
Reporting balance values are stored in both home currency and dual currency
You cannot create a reporting balance with the same accounting code as another record.
There are three ways in which reporting balances of type "Actual" are updated:
- Manually by using the Balance Update tab (Mode 1).
- Automatically by scheduled job (Mode 1).
- Automatically when transactions are created (Mode 2).
See Types of Balance Record and your administrator for more information on these Balance Update Modes.
Scheduled job
Your administrator can schedule the following class to update the reporting balances related to budget and balance records that have changed since the last update.
From Setup, click Develop | Apex Classes | Schedule Apex.
Class name: CODAReportingBalanceUpdateScheduler
We recommend that you schedule this update at a time when user activity is low, usually overnight.
If you can't find this class in the list you will need to select the Is Valid checkbox on the class like this:
- From Setup, click Develop | Apex Classes.
- Find the Apex Class CODAReportingBalanceUpdateScheduler. The Is Valid checkbox is clear.
- Open the class.
- Click Security.
- Click Cancel. The Is Valid checkbox is now selected.
After doing this you should be able to find the class to schedule the Reporting Balance update.
Configuring the batch size and process-type threshold
There are four custom settings related to the various Balance Update processes:
- Reporting Balance Update Batch Size
- Balance Update Batch Size
- Reporting Balance Update Threshold
- Balance Update Threshold
These settings form part of the Balance Settings custom setting. The way in which these custom settings operate depends on the Balance Update Mode set for your org. See Types of Balance Record and Balance Settings for more details.
Do not reduce a batch size to a value significantly smaller than required as this will make the update process take a lot longer to complete.
Contact Certinia Customer Support for advice. See Contacting Customer Support.
Ignoring zero values when populating or synchronizing reporting balances
The Exclude Zero Balances custom setting controls the treatment of zero values when creating reporting balance records in Mode 1. This setting forms part of the Balance Settings custom setting. See Balance Settings for more details.
When running a reporting balances full or incremental synchronization with the checkbox clear:
- Reporting balances are created even if the actual or budget value is zero.
When running a reporting balances full or incremental synchronization with the checkbox selected:
- For budgets: ignore any budget and balance records of type "Budget" that have a zero value, and only create reporting balances for those with a positive or negative balance. This applies to home and/or dual budget values.
- For actuals: as for budgets, except the application will ignore budget and balance records of type "Actual" that have a zero value and there are no corresponding transaction line items. So, if a budget and balance actual balance is zero, but there are transactions related to that balance, then a reporting balance record will be created. This applies to home and/or dual actual values.
If you already had zero values in your reporting balances created before you enabled this feature, and you run an incremental synchronization, these zero value balances will remain. If you want to remove all zero value reporting balances, run a Full Synchronization.